
When I think of or hear the word “easter”, I think of HOPE.





For me, Easter says, Surprise! It ain’t ova! The story continues…death does not prevail…Yeshu lives!

This Good Friday (it’s sad Friday in my heart language; don’t know who decided which cultures would call it good or sad!). I believe it’s Good Friday because of the HOPE we hold and at the same time it’s sad Friday because of the deep pain the day brought.

Feel the sadness. Grieve. Release. Grieve as long as you need (no formula).

I see the arms of Yeshu extended out for a hug; kind eyes, gentle smile…no fear, just love. When I fall into that embrace, HOPE becomes Eternal for me.

Many have tried to squash it, but HOPE can’t be taken…it is inextricably a part of me!

So, I hold out HOPE to you dear heart.

Close your eyes, breathe it in because HOPE is never false; always real/alive/beckoning!

Common Day Hero: I cannot begin to understand all the ways The Divine moves. I know that I have been forever changed. I know that HOPE brings healing. Your very presence brought to light things that had been buried for so long. Yeshu moves in an inexplicably beautiful way through you. Lanie, I dedicate this post to you. 



Last weekend, I saw Amma…again. It wasn’t that I saw a face; just felt such overwhelming Love from The Divine as Mother for/to me…and my circle.

I was raised to believe that The Divine is Abba and Amma (Father and Mother).

But when I embraced and mentioned God as Mother to me, some were immediately uncomfortable…nervous. The very people who taught me verses about God not being male or female squirmed hearing Amma/Mother.

IF God is limitless, then The Divine is not limited to a masculine or feminine form.

I AM reminded again that it’s both-and…not either-or, even in this!

Abba/Amma be with you…always.

Common Day Hero: The kindness, hospitality, beauty, strength and unconditional/fierce Love of Amma is so evident in the way you live. It is an honor to have you in my circle. MilliC, I dedicate this post to you.


I have posted every Friday since FEB twenty-twenty. It’s early Saturday AM now and finally posting because the internet has decided to cooperate…everything unfolds in the perfect timing of the Divine so here ’tis!

Embrace the Leader within…

first, foremost and forever, I AM a child of God. More specifically, a daughter of Yeshu!

Regardless of all the names and/or titles humans take from me, daughter can never be taken away!

Hugs to you fellow child of God (insert praying hands/namaste)…for me personally, namaste is I greet you as my equal. I salute The Divine within you…image bearer!

Common Day Hero: Reassuring, comforting, safe…a few words that describe time with you and yours. Grateful for the way Our Great Spirit gently guides, kindly reveals and miraculously heals. Britton, I dedicate this post to you.


With all that is before us…a seemingly endless list of possibilities, what continued to come to me this week was, pursue kindness.

That my friends, is difficult beyond expression when kindness is not what’s being thrown my way. And as my kids will tell you, a lalism they’ve grown up hearing is “difficult, but not impossible”. sigh.

This first quarter of twenty-twenty1 found me taking so many more deep breaths. Deep being the operative word! With all the arrows and darts of unkindness coming my way, I had to repeatedly (multiple times a day) remind myself to be gentle and kind to myself.

Only when we pursue kindness for our own hearts can we genuinely and fully extend kindness to others.

It seems regardless of culture, heritage or background, we’re told to be kind to others. While that’s good, I feel there is no solid base if we aren’t first kind to our own selves.

It’s back to The Bible…love your neighbor as yourself. If we don’t love ourselves, we won’t be kind to ourselves and we’re not really a help to our neighbors (across the street and around the globe).

For years, I was seeking kindness from others, but not giving kindness to my own heart. I was raised with no margin for error, no room at all for mistakes…perfection was required.

I failed miserably in that environment and sadly, was so unkind in my words…to self and others. Buried underneath all the “right words” and rules was a kind heart just waiting to be set free…to simply breathe.

A few years ago, I chose something different. I chose kindness for myself and it began/continues to grow like a field of beautiful flowers available to all around me.

I learned to listen more, to ask more questions (rather than make statements) and I began redirecting myself. As soon as unkind words, blame and shame enter my mind, I take time to evaluate it all.

I hold up all dark words to the Light and give myself time (sit with it) to see if there’s any Truth there. I no longer feel anxiety to rush and “fix” things. I AM at peace.

After I’ve taken time to evaluate it all, I say you can leave now or I say, that’s a lie; I only cling to Truth. I also say, that’s not me. I have literally done a little jig to “shake off” the negativity from me and my space!

It is alright to acknowledge when I have chosen to be helpful or hurtful to myself and others. It is alright for me to evaluate and change course as necessary so that I’m living fully from a place of kindness and love.

I need not spin in guilt, anxiety, shame, what-ifs, fear or allow ridicule and condescending voices to “take over” my mind. I can let all the feelings out and not accept the negative roots that are trying to settle into my space.

This is what has worked/is working for me – evaluate. sit with/face it all (take all the time your heart needs). release. speak/write/sing/dance Truth…repeat!

Are you kind to yourself, dear one? What helps you choose kindness? Even in the difficult moments when the accusing, shaming, hurtful, fill in the blank voices seem so loud, what helps you cling to Truth?

Close your eyes with me. Embrace kindness for your heart.

Once embraced, kindness flows like cool, refreshing waters to your heart as often as you wish and you now have the ability to extend it generously to all.

Common Day Hero: Your prayers continue to encourage and strengthen me. As soon as you heard about my pain, you were here. I can’t begin to express all the ways that filled my heart. JessicaS, I dedicate this post to you.


The Aramaic and the Septuagint version of Verse Five of Chapter Twenty-Four of the Book of Proverbs in The Bible reads “It’s better to be wise than to be physically strong.” 

Wisdom is said to be the quality of having as well as applying experience, knowledge, and good judgment. Proverbs says Wisdom is worth more than silver, more precious than rubies and brings more profit than gold!

I’ve been curious and filled with wonder from as early as I can remember…and always on a path seeking Wisdom. 

At specific times in my life, I have asked for Divine Wisdom; I’m aware that I need it every day. Some moments have just weighed heavier and left me feeling like I needed it more. This week was one of those.

Death, sickness, isolation and pain have touched so many of us, and not just because Covid-19 is in our midst. I’ve sat with, spoken with and texted many who were in deep pain. Others have sat with and spoken with me during my heart-breaking moments as well.

I felt helpless. I felt overwhelmed. I felt unsafe. With trembling and a little nervousness, I made difficult decisions, that seemed rushed. sigh. I made the decisions; nonetheless and walked away feeling…a mixed bag of emotions. Then, when it was time to call it a night, I felt the Presence of Wisdom.

Wisdom came in saying, you’ve done all you knew to do. In the difficult moments, you did your best and always, you followed the impressions of the Divine on your heart…and that is all. That is everything.

Physical strength wanes and is limited. Wisdom flows freely to all who will receive. In a world that prizes the external, may we seek Wisdom.

Have we sought the Voice of Wisdom (through being still, through the wise ones around us, through the wise who have gone on before, through Scripture)? Will we choose Wisdom over physical strength? 

Common Day Hero: When I think of Wisdom, I envision a strong, kind woman…like you! Your prayers are the reason for an abundance of comfort, protection and favor in many lives, mine included. CindyH, I dedicate this post to you.


Life has brought the awful, amazing and appalling this season. Sometimes, all-together, in one day.

As I cry (read sob uncontrollably while alone in my car or closet), and process all this pain with more layers than I can even begin to describe, as I’m in the midst of all the awful, I also experience amazing grace.

I was raised with “hold it together”, “keep it together”, “don’t lose your shit” but the real meaning of those statements is that I was to keep up appearances. It was alright if I came unglued alone, in private but I best not let it be seen…ever.

I never wanted to raise my kids with that. I wanted them to be completely free to express themselves.

I signed them up for play therapy when they were younger. I created and bought journals so they could draw, doodle, write thoughts and prayers. I took them on walks and to the park to enjoy time in nature.

I created a gratitude jar, so that we could see and say the good – even in the middle of deep pain. I believe grief and gratitude coexist. I pray with them (if they want). I sing and dance with them (as best I can!)…still, I was unknowingly placing the very same burden that I grew up with, on my kids.

This realization led me to be very intentional in changing course. I genuinely did not want to raise my kids with that same stress. I sought out help through books, therapy and emotional training classes. I began redirecting myself; I started being and creating a safe space for my kids to simply be.

About four years ago, after intentionally working on myself, in every area, I received the greatest compliment. My children told me that they saw change…improvement in me!

The two changes were: I am silly with them more. I ask more questions (answers beget more questions rather than assumptions). What changed was that I embraced myself fully, the way God does ~ in love. And that made all the difference! Love lifted me!

When I chose to embrace the Love of The Divine, I began loving myself. That Love set me free and opened the door for my children to have the choice to be completely safe, secure…free…with me.

The beauty of love is choice. I know, I say it often…I believe it’s worth saying often because when we really know (accept/believe) the Truth, it sets us free!

What has us holding back (in the seemingly smallest or most insignificant way) from receiving Divine Love? What is one step we can take in embracing the Love of The Divine today?

And here’s your LAST chance to make a purchase during African American/Black History month, my friend at Out of Hiding is offering the LOVE(period) collection BOGO (buy one, get one FREE!). Get a shirt, hoodie or tote for you and someone you love…quick! When you purchase, you’re supporting a local business, owned by an African American/Black/Chocolate sisTAH of mine! Let Out of Hiding know that LALIjean sent ya!

Common Day Hero: You’re quick to speak Truth that is challenging and comforting. I’m so grateful that The Divine crossed our paths and orchestrated this friendship. I dedicate this post to you, risotto…Molé!


Current…as in an electric current is what’s on my mind today.

Living in a first world nation has us accustomed to quite a few things: high-speed internet, WiFi, running hot water within seconds, electricity without interruption, fridges with water dispensers, mobile phone charge lasting for days…ok, weeks…just to name a few!

On the thirteenth of February, the weather changed to unusually cold for Texas and I knew plans would need to be changed…on the fourteenth of February, snow fell and actually stayed with us.

On the fifteenth of February, our electricity went somewhere…on vacation? More snow fell and at first the kids thought it was so cool…an answered prayer. They made a snowman; it turned out looking scary like a halloween snowman, but a snowman nonetheless!

After two days though, my Texan kids were done with snow days!

Unlike when Covid first hit us, we couldn’t watch TV, couldn’t get online, couldn’t play outside (for long!) and had no electricity multiple times during the day and night.

It caused my kids to think about the homeless more; on their own, they added the homeless to their daily prayers. Through the years, we’ve contributed to various organizations that help those who are homeless, but this is as close to really feeling it/empathizing as the kids have come.

It gave us perspective. Through the lens of this week’s events, the kids and I created a “gratitude list”.

Some things we gave thanks for are: electricity, running hot and cold water, food (anytime we want it), a gas stove/fireplace, winter/warm clothes, blankets (a bus load!), candles, flashlights, battery operated LED lights and the winter wonderland (snow covered yard).

Now that constant electricity and running water and internet and WiFi are back, we give thanks for those things as well. We are also grateful to have use of the oven and microwave. We baked cupcakes and crescent rolls and pizza and then I was back to reheating day-old coffee in the microwave (yah, I’m one of those!).

Which first world items are you grateful for this week? What has you gaining/shifting perspective now?

And here’s another reminder that this whole LOVE and African American/Black History month, my friend at Out of Hiding is offering the LOVE(period) collection BOGO (buy one, get one FREE!). Get a shirt, hoodie or tote for you and someone you love…quick! When you purchase, you’re supporting a local business owned by an African American/Black/Chocolate sisTAH of mine! Let Out of Hiding know that LALIjean sent ya!

Common Day Hero: When I didn’t have an accurate picture of African American/Black/Chocolate life in America, you shared riveting stories of your own experiences. I so appreciate your authenticity, your counsel, your prayers and the way you live ~ full of grace. Uncle Joe and Aunt Rochelle, I dedicate this post to you.



I want to let you know this before and after I share my thoughts because I’m SO excited about this!

February is the LOVE month…a time to celebrate the infinite love of The Divine, love for self and love for ALL. In America, it is also the month we choose to highlight/recognize African American/Black History…to share stories of love, inspiration, tenacity, innovation, justice and the fight for true freedom for all.

My friend at Out of Hiding is offering the LOVE(period) collection BOGO (buy one, get one FREE!) this whole month. Don’t put it off now…get a shirt, hoodie or tote for you and someone you love before they sell out…fast! And please let Out of Hiding know that you heard about it first from LALIjean!

This season of my life has really shown me the people/places where I AM secure.

When I hear the word secure, I immediately think safe. However, safe and secure are two separate things. The definitions that resonate in this moment are: safe says that I’m protected from harm, danger…fill in the blank. Secure says I’m firmly attached, grounded and not lost.

What I know is that I AM always secure in the arms of The Divine…my Yesú/Yeshu/Isa/Jesus.

When in the presence of a secure human, we are safe because we know that we are secure! When we’re in a space that is secure, we can fall apart and it is alright.

We can cry/sob/wail/scream/do-pretty-much-anything and not fear being too much or not enough. We know we won’t “be told” or feel like we shouldn’t behave in a certain way.

We can talk about the same thing again and not be beaten with religious, societal or cultural “supposed tos”. We can give ourselves “permission” to feel without fearing a fix, judgment or a list of “must-dos”.

We can breathe…and just BE!

We can also be a mess, but not messy. We can be disturbed, but not disturbing in return. Secure!

May we grieve the people we thought were safe and/or secure. May we grieve the friendships/relationships that are gone because of death, divorce, growth or other unforeseen/unknown reasons. 

May we grieve that not everyone has the capacity to grow with/alongside us.

And as we grieve, may we give gratitude for those who stayed…those who grew with us…those who genuinely love us…celebrate us and challenge us to be our best always. Grief and Gratitude coexist.

Let’s find and/or create spaces where we can really breathe, sit and truly BE…secure.

And here’s the “after”…my friend at Out of Hiding is offering the LOVE(period) collection BOGO (buy one, get one FREE!) this whole LOVE and African American/Black History month. Get a shirt, hoodie or tote for you and someone you love before they sell out…fast! OoH, almost forgot, when you purchase, you’re supporting an African American/Black/Chocolate sisTAH of mine! Let Out of Hiding know that LALIjean said that!

Common Day Hero: You are someone that I AM secure with and hope I’m a secure space for you as well. You are kind, thoughtful, witty and beautiful. Wish you still lived in the area; I miss knowing that you were just twenty minutes away. sigh. Grateful you’re in my life. Today, I dedicate this post to you, JennV!


Fire…it refines; it burns away the dross…it brings forth pure gold.

Fire does not feel good unless it’s cold or windy…then being seated close (but not too close!) to the fire is comforting for me. I think fire (in a fireplace or pit) is pretty and I’m always ready for s’mores!

I’ve heard difficult times/trials described as “going through fire”. I’ve heard (and sung) many songs about going through fire and the refiner’s fire…sigh. Through the years, nuh-thing, absolutely nuh-th-ing prepared me for the intensity of the various trials that came my way.

Now, in the midst of this most difficult of seasons, I will bend, but I will not break. I will grieve, but I will not give up. I will feel it all, but I will not be run by fear.

A friend recently texted me a verse that I learned in childhood. It came at a time when I really needed to be reassured, “For I, says the Lord, will be a ring of fire all around her and I will be the glory in her midst.” Some translations say “wall of fire”. Found in Verse five of Chapter two from the Book of Zechariah in The Bible.

Seeing the words “I will be a ring of fire all around her” brought so much comfort to me. Reading those words, in this time, I felt seen. I felt safe. I felt protected.

I cannot say that everything will go as you or I plan because that is not how life on our planet works…sigh. Life brings us happy, sad, unexpected, fun, disappointing, heart-breaking, soul-wrenching, joy-filled, ecstatic moments.

In the moments that life brings us delight, may we fully celebrate and enjoy it all. In the deeply painful and overwhelmingly sad moments, may we let ourselves grieve. And in our grieving, may we remember that we are not alone, dear Warriors.

The Divine is a ring of fire around us…a wall of safety and protection.

This season will not be the end of me. I will survive (now I’m singing the song; thank you Diana Ross!), I will live, I will thrive! I will experience goodness, grace and joy. I will move forward because this ring of fire protects and empowers me!

Close your eyes with me. Envision The ring of fire around you…what are you feeling?

Common Day Hero: You are an exemplary mom, a great daughter, sibling, friend and wife. I have been so encouraged by your words, prayers and verses. LilyS, I dedicate this post to you.


In twenty-sixteen, I wrote out a family statement. I felt that creating a statement that we could say together, every morning before school, would be an encouragement for the kids. The kids were excited about it.

I hoped (hope) it would remind them of the Truth especially when the lies come at them. I hoped (still hope) it would be a “go-to” for them when they need to remember who they really are.

I revised the statement in twenty-eighteen, but we didn’t say the statement regularly after relocating that fall (the kids weren’t up for it…maybe because so much had been turned upside down in their world…sigh).

In the fall of twenty-twenty, amidst more unexpected changes (I know changes all year…for everyone worldwide!), I asked the kids if they’d like to start saying our family statement again. They said Yes!

This week, I asked the kids if they’d like to share our statement on the blog. They said Yes! My heart in sharing our family statement is so that if you choose, you may find inspiration in creating your own.

Here’s ours (actions and all!):

We raise our hand as if making an oath

I AM a child of God (point up)

I AM a Stanley (link arms)

I AM a believer (sign of the cross)

I AM loved (hands over heart)

I AM important (chest puffed out)

I AM powerful (muscles)

I AM a World Changer (swirling lasso above head)

Then, we bring our palms in and yell, GO Stanleys!

I’ve told my children that this statement is for us. We believe it. It is Truth to encourage and remind us of the unity and strength within us.

We may not be loved by all; that is alright because we love ourselves, God loves us and we love each other. We may not be important to all people, but we are important to our Creator and to each other. We need not be arrogant; we simply know that we are a vital part of this family and will bring good to the world.

We may feel powerless sometimes, but we are powerful to choose to live our lives to the fullest, to choose the direction of our dreams, to choose our response to the negatives hurled at or forced on us.

We choose to be world changers ~ where we see injustice, we speak up; where we see a need, we help with creative solutions. Remembering the Truth carries us through it all.

If creating a statement as a family (or for your family) is on your heart, here are a few questions to consider:

What is the message of your family or what do you want it to be? What will reassure/encourage your hearts and remind you of Truth? If you have very young children, you may only want three short sentences now. The statement can always be expanded, through the years, as you like.

Not everyone is about creating a statement. Would you prefer to write a song for your family? Would you prefer to choose a “family song”? Once a week, gather and play/sing the song then hug and reaffirm one another of how important the family is.

Common Day Hero: You are such a sweet spirit. You were a great mom to your three. Your kindness and your home were always such a safe space for me. Thank you for opening your heart and home to me. My friend Myra, I dedicate this post to you. I know you can see it from that mansion in the sky. I miss you dearly.

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