
On Monday of this week, we learned that a hurricane was en route to Louisiana and South East Texas. By Wednesday, we were told that it was a category four hurricane. Many of my family members and friends make their home in Beaumont and surrounding cities.

Some refused to evacuate and chose to shelter in place while others began leaving as soon as the news arrived. This isn’t the first hurricane my family has seen; thus, the refusal by some to leave. Thankfully, when Thursday morning arrived, the storm wasn’t as bad as predicted in the area my family calls home. Sadly, it was as bad as predicted for other areas.

Many of us may not be facing a physical storm now, but an internal or personal storm is raging. We may feel alone, but we are not alone. Many have gone before us, many walk alongside us, many are coming behind us on the journey and many of us isolate and struggle in secret.

If you’re ready to come out of isolation/hiding, what about one or all of these possibilities? Reach out to a therapist, join a support group, start a book club, sign-up for a dance/fitness class, schedule a monthly gathering of the girls/guys (even if it’s virtual)…

A song (actually, just the chorus) from nineteen eighty-nine recently came to mind and I began singing it. The words reminded me that regardless of what occurs (internally or externally), I AM safe in the Divine…My Rock, My Friend, My Abba and Amma. The storm still rages, but I find comfort in these words:

“In the eye of the hurricane -in the center of the storm – in the chaos there’s a comfort – a harbor safe and warm – though strong winds may blow – they can’t change what I know – and I’ll hold to the Rock – that the winds can’t erode.” by Singer: Trace Balin on the Album: Here and Now

What brings you comfort in the storm? What speaks peace to you regardless of external circumstances?

My little sister called me Tuesday morning about coming to stay at my house. She didn’t ask. She knew she didn’t need to ask. As soon as I answered the phone, she said, hey, there’s a hurricane on its way here, so I’m coming up there. I AM so glad she knows that she can do that with me.

Who are the people you know will be/are a safe haven during the storms in your life? Friends who will listen, hold, feed and pray for you (if you want)…friends who will love you well…

My personality is such that I would have every room in our house filled and the back yard too…my home is always open; unfortunately, there is a limit on the space, facilities and finances we have…there is no limit tho to the prayers, hugs, dap and kind words I can offer…and that’s available anytime!

From my heart to yours: strength, wisdom and peace in/during and through the storms.

Common Day Hero: You always greeted me with a smile. At my very first gathering with the family, you took time to check on me and reassure me that I was welcome/wanted. You didn’t even know me and you had your apprehensions, but you remained sincere and kind. This week, you celebrated your fifth birthday in heaven. That is still surreal and always bring tears. I imagine you and my dad have become better acquainted now and are smiling down on all of us! Aunt Norma, I dedicate this post to you.

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