You may have heard the saying, it takes a village to raise a child. My personal experience is that “it takes a village” applies to much more than raising children.
When my friend Anissa saw my struggle with sugar, she wrote out a detox plan (that she found online) and committed to walk through the process with me. She sent podcasts, shared and asked for progress “reports”. A let’s detox together friend. It takes a village.
When my friend Dieula heard that I was contemplating a blog and Vlog, she surprised me by saying, “I’ve been waiting on you.” I had no idea she believed in my voice! She showed me how to create a YouTube channel. I’m talkin’ every little detail of setting up an account and creating a podcast (no, I haven’t completed setting up my account and I haven’t made a video yet! Imma get there!). Get the job done friend. It takes a village.
When I decided, at 38, that I wanted to go back to college and complete a Bachelors in Sociology, multiple friends supported me with prayers, encouraging words, snacks and at times, baby-sitting services! My husband stepped in to help in any way I needed and yes, he also asked, “why didn’t you choose a field that would bring us more money?” But then he paid for my degree (Hallelujah! Thank you LORDT!). He my ride or die (yah Ma, I’m aware that’s grammatically incorrect…this blog gonna be full of those!). It takes a village.
When my friend Guyatri heard that my father had relocated from earth, she was at my door, hugging and promising homemade wonton soup (yes, she later delivered a stock pot of deliciousness!). She has shown up countless times in my life…to simply be with me and my family, in joy or pain. A here for it all friend. It takes a village.
When my friends Jin and Emily heard that I wanted a healthier lifestyle, they began sharing videos, prayers, helpful food and exercise tips. Jin called me EVERY day for a month! Emily called or texted once a week. Physical and mental health-check friends. It takes a village.
When my friend Janice heard that we were moving, she brought boxes and helped us pack. At the new house, she helped with design ideas, hung photos and paintings and made several trips to the store with us. We’ve been friends for more than twenty years, so not enough space here for all the stories! A forever friend. It takes a village.
When my friend Susie and I get together, she will always ask how I’m really doing. I am the unofficial “counselor” to many around me, but she sees ME. She hears me. She makes it a point to check-in on my heart. She celebrates me and every birthday she has been extremely kind (read: over-the-top!) to me. A highs and lows friend. It takes a village.
When my friend Toya heard my heart for hosting spiritual retreats for women, she jumped in (probably before really understanding just how much was involved!) and has continued to be a make ideas come to life friend. It takes a village.
When my friend Diane hears that I’m singing or speaking, she makes the drive to see me. Over the past twenty-one years, this has been such an encouragement to me. She has typically always brought her mom who is equally supportive and always has a kind word for me. My little support team. It takes a village.
I’ve heard it said many times that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. I grew up hearing “We have this treasure in earthen vessels” 2 Corinthians chapter 4, verse 7 (The Bible). Oprah says, “You have no life without a spiritual life.” I believe it; I have witnessed miracles because of many prayers – my own and those around me. My mom, Kamala and my vanilla mom, Jada (see the story here!) are pray till it rains people. It takes a village.
I believe we would all benefit from a no BS friend, a pray till it rains person, a highs and lows friend, a ride or die, a health-check friend (mental, emotional, spiritual, physical), an all-weather friend, a let’s detox together friend, a forever friend, a support team, a get the job done friend and…a plethora of other friends in our circles, tribes…village!
We were created to be a part of a village. To belong. To feel. To be seen…heard…affirmed. Through the years, I have been a part of damaging/destructive and at times, well-intentioned-but still harmful villages, which led to isolating myself. At some point, I missed having a village, so I opened my heart and began creating my own. Each of us has unique gifts to bring to the table, so we have a seat at the table, partake with what’s on and around the table and then take our experiences from the table into our world.
It takes a Village!
Common Day Hero: To my friends, not enough space to list each of you here, but this February, the love month, my heart is full because of your love, your presence, your prayers and good vibes. I am grateful. I am here (totally present) because of your influence on my journey. A toast to friends…a prayer and praise for this village!