I AM delighted to have you here!
My life’s work is to bring healing, comfort, peace and strength…to be a part of our souls being restoreD! Yah, that last “D” is intentionally capitalized…it’s a symbol of Omega/The Divine having final say. A reminder for me of how deeply loved we all are – no human can touch the beauty and Light within each of us.
I’m reminded of a verse from St. John that I learned when I was three years old ~ For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes will never die…will live on eternally. What stands out for me even now is that we are SO loved.
The beauty of love is choice.
More than houses, land, vehicles, careers, money…relationships are our greatest gift.
Love is Sovereign. For me personally, that translates to a vertical relationship with Yesú. When I AM filled with Love by The Divine then my cup overflows into horizontal relationships with you, my fellow warriors.
Shine on, dear warriors! Together, we are building a village, a tribe, a community of warriors dedicated to being Light and Love to ALL.
Lali (like lollipop)