
My experience has been that courage doesn’t render anxiety, nervousness or fear null and void.

My apologies, I don’t know the true origin, but Nelson Mandela (and a few others) are credited with saying, “Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.”

Courage is simply honoring the decision to walk despite the internal or external trembling/shaking.

Courage is repeatedly rising up despite the tripping/falling down regardless of the number of times…just, regardless.

More and more, it seems our circles (family, school, religious, work, affiliates/organizations etc) ask that we conform to what has been decided is “acceptable”.

I’m practicing and encouraging my children to practice living by this phrase:

“Courage over conformity”

So, I ask the same of you my fellow human/traveler/warrior – choose courage.

If something keeps coming to your heart…even if it’s different, even if it’s something you haven’t seen around you, even if it’s unfamiliar…courage to you.

Common Day Hero: PrabhaChechi, I’m so happy to receive your phone calls and messages. When crisis hit, your love became such an encouragement and strength. I AM grateful beyond words. Today, I dedicate this post to you.

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