
Have you ever had a dream that you let fade away…a dream that you let wither and die? Maybe because the opinions of others carried more weight (in your mind) than your own…maybe family obligations took priority…maybe further education…work…or a plethora of other reasons?

Death is not final because The Divine can resurrect anyone/anything -anywhere/anytime if it’s meant to be!

I think most of us are thrilled to hear resurrection stories, but we ain’t tryna hear nothin’ about death…which must occur for there to be a resurrection! Are you ready to believe again? To make room for resurrection or a new birth?

I thought my personal dream of singing country music with a curry kick was long gone. So much life kept happening and I allowed my heart to be ignored, trampled on, dismissed…by myself…and others.

A few years ago, I began letting my heart breathe again. I decided that regardless of what happens externally, I would prioritize my heart. SO grateful that I made that choice…it is why I’m here today!

I decided to pursue my dreams and enjoy the process!

So…I started writing again last year (thoughts, prayers, songs). I started this blog in 20twenty.

This spring, I began proactively working on changing the color of my urine to a “healthier” one…consistently!

And the dream…that one that I allowed to be resurrected…I’m singing again, for the love of it! I went to the studio to record! I started a “professional” instagram account and I had my first photo session for my music this week!

I AM CurryCountryGirl (to see what’s poppin’ ~ follow me on instagram @currycountrygirl).

Which dreams do YOU want to resurrect (or allow to be resurrected) this week?

What’s one step you can take towards breathing life into your dreams again?

Everything you need is within you. Give it your all…YOU got this and The Divine has you!

Common Day Hero: On our first conversation via tele (when I was not at my best), you were kind and gentle. Upon meeting in person, it was immediately evident that you embody the Light and Love of Heaven. Delighted that we are becoming better acquainted. LaurenM, I dedicate this post to you.


Do we operate from a place of “deserve” or love?

Wonder Woman (in the movie that released in 2017) says, “It’s not about deserve and I believe in love”. I took the kids to see the movie when it first released, but we just recently watched it again and this time around, this sentence catapulted itself into my heart.

“It’s not about deserve and I believe in love.”

When the seemingly mundane tasks are to be done like washing the dishes, folding the fourth load of laundry, wiping down the counters, cleaning the toilet that never looks clean even when it’s just been cleaned for the twentieth time, am I doing it because one “deserves” it or simply from a heart of love?

When someone asks for a favor, am I doing it because I’ve deemed them worthy and/or because they’ve done things to deserve it or simply because I believe in operating from a place of love?

I’m introspective and reflective (my dad and sister are to be credited for that) so I regularly process why I do what I do and whether my heart is evident. I’ve lived this way for some time now. Every thing I do is fully from my heart. No obligation. No “shoulds”…just a heart of love.

This is most difficult to practice when someone has decided not to keep their love on anymore. When an individual who has been such an intricate part of our lives decides to move in a different direction, it is imperative to ask ourselves how we can still move from a place of love.

This keeps our hearts fully free and open to give and receive love.

And a heart-check is always in order. Am I operating from a base of love or obligation? What is currently weighing my heart down? What steps can I take to ensure that I’m operating fully from my heart?

Common Day Hero: Many have violated your trust and ignored or dismissed your heart, but you continue to shine brightly. Through the years, your heart has remained open to love. You have brought (and will continue to bring) love and understanding cross cultures, religion and generations. Mahi, I dedicate this post to you.

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