
How can it be that a child of mine is now fifteen?!

Guess this is the feeling every birthday ~ what? another year flew by already?

We had such a grand and delightful time with our village celebrating this occasion!

Adorable one of mine was stunning in her Quinceneara top and skirt, her perfectly suited tiara (gift from one of her grandmothers), her first ever rosary (made by a grandmother so dear to us), decked in jewelry gifted by family and friends and her first ever stilettos ~ a gorgeous rose gold (another gift from family).

She was anointed with oil, had blessings, prayers and Scriptures spoken over her…a delicious cake and cupcakes, a sweet and fun first dance, her favorite kind of food, a hall so nicely decorated by family and friends and a dance floor filled with people she loves and who love her so dearly!

This night was a joy beyond description for me and my village. My heart was/is so full to have this special event for her. It is truly Heaven’s favor!

I AM most grateful for the kind people who helped bring this dream to life and made the night such a lovely and fun one for all, but especially for my brave, beautiful and brilliant daughter!

She rated it a 10/10 and that is all that matters!

Which special events do you remember with fondness?

What happy times can you go back to in your mind to remind yourself how good life can be?

What can you do to celebrate yourself today?

Common Day Hero: It’s only been a short time but I count you dear to me. One of the reasons you ranked high so quickly is because you were born on such a special/significant day! Your connection to The Divine, your fierce protection of your children and your commitment to your husband are just a few ways that your life is exemplary. Shevona, I dedicate this post to you.


This week, my father celebrated his sixth birthday in the afterlife…still so surreal; sigh. Will it always seem this…strange?

I miss him so terribly much. Wish I could hug him. Wish I could see his face here, physically. Wish I could tell him ALL the things I appreciate about him.

I know he’s having the time of his life, celebrating it up with all his family and friends in Heaven. He is one of the reasons I carry so much faith and love. He modeled loving all people. He was a strong man of faith.

His methods weren’t the greatest, but he instilled so much Scripture into my life from a very young age (three!) and those verses continue to guide, comfort and empower me…daily!

He was brilliant, an acute observer, quick-tempered, grateful for all he had and readily asked for and extended forgiveness.

He was named David. According to The Holy Bible, David was a man after God’s own heart. My dad, flawed like me, was a man after God’s own heart. Wish I could’ve seen that while he was physically here; I would’ve told him.

We represent the very heart of The Divine when we depend on the Power of Heaven, when we return (as often as necessary) to our foundation – the Ultimate Light and Eternal Love which carries us and empowers us to live in grace and forgiveness.

While my dad was here on Earth, our relationship wasn’t close/ideal. I began seeing all the good qualities after he relocated. I see him in dreams and visions; I know he’s close (closer now in some ways)…I know he loves me so much, supports my dreams, can relate to me and is so proud of me…it’s bitter-sweet.

There is no prerequisite to love.

Establish healthy boundaries with those in your life (a secure fence around the property line).

Enjoy (as fully and as best as possible) those who are presently in your life.

Empower yourself (in all the ways you need).

Common Day Hero: Gentle strength, Truth-teller, diligent worker, Man of Faith, witty, so many words to describe you. Every moment Heaven grants with you is a gift. Fazal-Pa, I dedicate this post to you.


Another year on this planet…another trip around the sun…another birthVersary…another celebration this week!

I AM offering praises for being here – fully present, undeniably free, in Peace and immensely grateful.

This year, I told friends that the only gift I wanted were words…just notes/letters.

What I wanted was to simply hear/see the words that were on the hearts of those whom I hold dear.

Words are powerful. Words create. Words heal. Words encourage. Words empower. Words restore.

This year, I committed to live my best life in every way and am immersing myself fully into all my interests!

What do you want to do with another year on the planet…what is it you want to accomplish in your world/circle?

May I encourage you not to be hindered in your pursuits…in any way?

We need not be “good” by anyone’s standards (including our own inner critic) to pursue our talents, dreams and interests. Just give everything ya like a shot – at least we would’ve risked and gained rather than later regretting.

Not being hindered also allows us to hold our plans loosely…and pivot accordingly.

Here’s to us, as we pursue, life (fully/freely from the heart), Liberty (already granted; we simply choose to receive) and the pursuit of happiness (be unhindered ~ as long as we aren’t hindering or hurting anyone, it’s all good).

Common Day Hero: You bring such delight to everyone around you. The way you take things in, your attention to detail, your knowledge, your irresistible smile, your contagious laugh and your kindness touch my life in more ways than you may know. LuGa, I dedicate this post to you.

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