
Cancel culture is said to be a type of ostracism in which one is shoved/forced out of social or professional circles – online, on social media or in person.

Have you ever been cancelled in a friendship, romantic relationship, religious circle, work environment or  familial/community setting?

It is painful to be misunderstood, unheard, devalued…especially by people you’ve grown to believe are kind, considerate and genuinely caring.

Personally, it’s even more painful when it happens by religious people…those who are quick to throw the names of God around as well as those who wear a badge of “seniority” in faith communities…claiming to be “mature”.

Mourn the loss of the people who have cut you out (especially those who have done so indirectly…insidiously) and simultaneously make room to welcome the entry of all who are truly compassionate, empathetic and gentle. 

I remind myself as often as I need that…

I will never be cancelled by The Divine and neither will you, my friend!

Common Day Hero: You are genuine, tenderhearted, graceful and grace-filled. Your kindness and Light are reaching so many. Glad to know you and call you friend. Froswa’ ~ I dedicate this post to you.

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