it’s alright

Have you ever found yourself in a familiar, yet somehow unfamiliar place? I can’t quite find the words to accurately  describe the feeling.

Fear had crept up and I wasn’t even aware that it was lingering…in the background, affecting my decision-making because yet again, it had cloaked itself as “what’s appropriate for a woman” and “your culture”…sigh.

The kindness of a friend brought realization to me -suddenly, in the middle of the conversation, it was crystal clear that I’d been hiding behind fear in just one area.

It’s alright…no need to panic upon noticing that fear is present. I took a deep breath and began walking myself through the Truth.

Truth: I hadn’t noticed or acknowledged the fear that had hidden itself in the name of “sound/good”. I AM moving forward in so many areas of my life…living fully from the heart and experiencing what it means to be set FREE indeed! Now that the fear is exposed, I can face it.

Friend, is there any area (even the smallest nook) where fear has taken residence? Hold it up to the Light…let the Truth wash over it and allow yourself the freedom to name the fear.

It is alright that fear is present. However, we need not let it rule us, so when it comes, simply hold it up to the Light.

Be still.

Whisper Truth.

Sometimes we just don’t have the energy or strength for affirmations. In those moments, maybe “what if” questions will help us turn towards the Light.

Ask yourself what if, the Truth is that I need not hide behind this anymore? What if I AM strong enough? What if I already have everything I need…here, within me? What if I AM loved so fiercely by Heaven? What if I AM never alone?

What if I WILL live (fully…thrive) and continue to see the goodness of The Divine in the land of the living? Verse thirteen from Chapter twenty-seven in the Book of Psalm, in the Holy Bible is the origin of that one. The verse says, I would have lost heart (!) unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!

That verse has carried and continues to carry me…it has been a part of the strong, muscular arms that enveloped me, firmly held me and reassured me in a most comforting way since July 2020…there are days, I raise a fist in the air and declare it with all my strength. Other days, I Whisper it as a cry to the Heavens, but every time, I feel its Power!

Sharing the Power and Strength of it all with you ~ fear may visit, but it will not take residence here (raising a fist alongside you…declaring an affirmation with you and answering the empowering questions for you -when you need!).

Common Day Hero: I felt your tiny hand on me in the middle of a prayer and immediately said, Yeshu, I receive. A few minutes later, you came back and placed your hand on me again and I said, I receive a double portion! SO grateful that The Divine is Limitless…your innocence and the Shakti of your grandmother bring the gift of HOPE (Heavenly Oxygen Permeating Earth) and legacy. With arms raised and my face to the Heavens, I remember the moment now and offer gratitude and praise, again. Jade Wynter, you are a giant in the Kingdom. Today, I dedicate this post to you.


My personal belief is that The All-Powerful One chose (and chooses) mutual relationship rather than control and a robot-like interaction with us. We, as individuals, are given choice by The Divine. This reminds me, yet again that the beauty of love is choice!

I have heard (and seen) this statement countless times since childhood: Choose you this day whom you will serve. Although, I don’t recall having seen the phrase prior to that statement. Verse fifteen of Chapter twenty-four in the Book of Joshua (The Bible) says, “And if it seem evil to you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom you will serve…” another translation says if it is unacceptable to you…

My life is worship, an act of service to The Sovereign One. And if I decide that it is unacceptable to serve The Divine, I have the freedom to walk away, at will, no notice required. I have the freedom to also choose to return…anytime; at will.

When I decide that “good” or “better” is somewhere outside of The Divine plan, I have the right to choose not to serve anymore. And when I say “serve”, I do not intend to imply servanthood. I AM FREE. I am in a relationship with The Divine by choice.

I choose to believe.

I choose to serve.

I choose to offer my life as worship.

My experience is that I continue to gain love, light, joy and peace from my decision to embrace The Divine.

What do you choose today?

Be confident in YOUR choice.

Know why you choose what/whom you choose.

I know in Whom I have believed. Humans come and go, but Yesú has promised never to discard or abandon us…regardless.

Whatever your choice, dear one, I’m here. Always. Loving you. Simply being here with/for you.

Common Day Hero: You were always around for the laughs (bringing the laughs too!)….more recently, you’ve been with me in the difficult…the pain and tears. Even though the miles separate us, I AM so grateful for your love and prayers. Be kind to R! I dedicate this post to you, Jibu.

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