
“O come let us adore Him” is the song in my head…and on my lips today.

I don’t sing because everything is exactly as I want or hoped it would be. I sing because my HOPE (heavenly oxygen permeating earth) is not in a human.

My HOPE is in Heaven…in the Divine. This has me untethered!

And there are days that no songs come. I don’t have steps to a cure of any sort for what ails us…just suggestions to help us engage (and not isolate). It seems that when we isolate-without-end, it’s more harmful than helpful.

Suggestions (hopefully helpful) – adopt a pet (if you don’t want a pet full-time then pet-sit!). If you’re not a pet person, volunteer to help some of our fellow humans in need. Sign up for a local art, self-defense, calligraphy, cooking, dance, coding, writing, speaking class…or something else that interests you!

May you find joy on the journey, peace in the process and delight (even if just for a moment) amidst despair this holiday season!

Common Day Hero: I see such a tenacity, fire and tenderness in you. May all of Heaven’s favor be upon you always. Aunty Hassina, I dedicate this post to you.


When I hear the word delight, I immediately envision a child about three or four years of age. I can see this child laughing fully and freely…maybe because it’s the age that I imagine a child hasn’t yet allowed outside voices to squash his/her heart.

Delight is defined as great pleasure…at times, delight can be just simple, seemingly little things that bring a smile, a sigh of relief, giggles, laughter…glee! This time of year, I’m thinking of candy canes, egg nog, the smell of freshly baked sweet delights, holiday music, the laughter of family, a drive through the neighborhood… taking in the Christmas lights.

For some of us, the holiday season and all that it entails may bring sheer delight! For some of us, this particular holiday season may be painfully difficult with DaCovid/DeVyress and all the yuck that has come up because of it (with home, school, work, relationships not just the disease itself!). For some of us, pandemic or not, the holiday season may just not be cause for delight.

Wherever we are with it, may I suggest that we look for little moments of delight, along the way? We may only have a handful this season; may we fully enjoy them. May they grant strength for the journey.

My moments of delight have been time by the lake…the stillness and beauty of nature is refreshing. Time with my children ~ they are kind and funny! Time spent reading ~ books have been encouraging, challenging and comforting…a personal delight since childhood. And there’s my youngest furry one, my kitten Midnight. She is a delightful bundle of energy, curiosity and the sweetest meows.

The word “delight” also reminds me of a verse I learned as a child. Verse four of Chapter thirty-seven from the Book of Psalms (The Bible) ~ delight yourself in Yahweh/God and He will give you the desires of your heart.

I don’t take this verse to equal me getting what I think I want or if I do this, I get this. I can’t always reconcile the way The Divine chooses to move people and things in/out of our lives. I personally believe each movement is filled with purpose. It doesn’t always feel good and I don’t always understand or like it. That is alright.

I choose delight because I AM forever a child of The Divine ~ embraced by Love, surrounded by Light and forever secure in the Eternal. I pray this season brings your heart many unexpected delights.

Common Day Hero: You have been a shoulder for many to lean on, through the years. You are a resilient warrior. Know that I’m here for you, anytime. You are very dear to me. Anitha, I dedicate this post to you.

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