
So, another Easter this past weekend – a reminder of new beginnings, new life, rebirth, restoration, unexpected/pleasant surprises and HOPE (heavenly oxygen permeating earth)!

The truth is that what Heaven has spoken life over…what Heaven has decided will be resurrected, will!

No need to worry about what humans say because if Heaven has spoken, then it is settled.

If you know the Easter story then you know that Friday was excruciating…painful beyond words. The tears, the screaming, the sobbing till voices were lost, the falling asleep from the sheer exhaustion that sadness brought, the shaking, cussing, falling out was all very real.

And then Saturday was silent – eerily so…it may have seemed like we were forgotten…may have smelled like Hell won, may have felt like we were fools…may have looked like we were abandoned…

When ALL the senses have us believing one thAng, iF it ain’t what Heaven said, strength to us to shake it off and stamina to stay the course…and believe that Sunday.is.Coming!

Early Sunday morning, I’m picturing it…the downpour turned to a light drizzle, the clouds started parting, then the Sun went from a soft hello to HEYYYYYY and Humanity witnessed a miracle ~ death, hell and the grave were defeated and Yeshu/Jesus showed up like oh, you were ridiN with me for three years, but couldn’t believe me for three DAYS?!

What Heaven has spoken, promised, declared ~ I’m here; standing on those promises with/for you.

What has Heaven spoken to your heart?

What are you believing for, despite how things appear and what even the well-intentioned say?

What has come to life again (or anew) for you this season/spring?

Common Day Hero: For the laughs, the prayers, the way you take care of your family (and include us!), the way you genuinely follow Yeshu, thank you/shukriya! AuntyGeneva, I dedicate this post to you.


When I think of or hear the word “easter”, I think of HOPE.





For me, Easter says, Surprise! It ain’t ova! The story continues…death does not prevail…Yeshu lives!

This Good Friday (it’s sad Friday in my heart language; don’t know who decided which cultures would call it good or sad!). I believe it’s Good Friday because of the HOPE we hold and at the same time it’s sad Friday because of the deep pain the day brought.

Feel the sadness. Grieve. Release. Grieve as long as you need (no formula).

I see the arms of Yeshu extended out for a hug; kind eyes, gentle smile…no fear, just love. When I fall into that embrace, HOPE becomes Eternal for me.

Many have tried to squash it, but HOPE can’t be taken…it is inextricably a part of me!

So, I hold out HOPE to you dear heart.

Close your eyes, breathe it in because HOPE is never false; always real/alive/beckoning!

Common Day Hero: I cannot begin to understand all the ways The Divine moves. I know that I have been forever changed. I know that HOPE brings healing. Your very presence brought to light things that had been buried for so long. Yeshu moves in an inexplicably beautiful way through you. Lanie, I dedicate this post to you. 

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