
One of these things (ok a few!) are not like the others!

My family peach (some of youS know I callS dem Sauerkraut and French Vanilla coz dey German and Cajun descent!); me and my kids brownies (mixed w/all kinds of goodness!); all of us delicious and sweet…just different!

We chose/choose to love each other and we decided we’d be family by choice.

We’s family fahevAH coz the external never determined our internal -this love runs deep coz the blood of humans got NothiN on the water of Amma (Wise Spirit), Yeshu (Kind Jesus) and Abba (Most Loving Heavenly Father)…

Family is comprised of the people we choose to have in our lives (not limited to the people in our lives since or because of birth).

Through the years, I’ve had the joy of being a part of many “families”. Long before being inclusive was cool, I saw inclusion modeled and it helped me genuinely love all people.

Who are the people who dance with you through the delightful, walk with you through all the muck and despite our humanity, love and extend grace on the journey? That’s family!

Family isn’t hiding. Family isn’t covering up or pretending reality isn’t real. Family stands, sits, crawls with us through it all. Family isn’t just here for the fun times.

Family is fahevAH. Family is fah real.

Family is committed to caring, listening, helping and growing together…in every way. When we had no family, Heaven came down and offered all of us the gift of Love, Peace and Belonging.

My heart empathizes with those who have no “blood family” present – sending love, light and strength your way so that you’re able to create a family of your own ~ a mix of your closest people.

Common Day Hero: You continue to come to mind multiple times this month. You had me laughing coz you’d say you couldn’t have time w/God until you put your makeup on…ya still doing that in the afterlife? You are so missed and thought of often here. Grandma Kamp, I dedicate this post to you.


We need not figure anything out…ever…really…the world (including the religious world) has us believing that we must first figure it out -whatever “it” is.

And only once “it” has been figured out, we can move forward.

If we have figured it all out, is any faith required on the journey?

I live by/in faith. I do not live by the seen/visible. Thank you to my parents.

Rest, dear heart.

Nothing to figure; embrace faith so all can be faced.

Here, alongside you on the journey…always.

Common Day Hero: You are bold, tenacious and kind. May every endeavor prosper as your soul and mind prosper. May the kindness you extend return to you a hundred fold always. PaulaB, I dedicate this post to you.


Thinking about Mother Mary this holiday season, had me overwhelmed with emotion…

She was “highly favored” AND pregnant but not married in a time that looked down on such things

“Highly favored” AND couldn’t get a loan…a bank account…or a phone on her own

“Highly favored” AND couldn’t get a place in her own name

“Highly favored” AND rejected by the local townsfolk, gossiped about by the praying and the prEying

“Highly favored” AND discredited, made fun of and most likely ostracized by the Believers Only Club and the At-least-we-lookiN-Holy Inc

“Highly favored” AND how many “friends” disappeared once she went public w/her “condition”

“Highly favored” AND which religious circle/s welcomed her into their group

“Highly favored” AND she had to tell her fiancé, I’m pregnant oh…it’s Heaven’s Child – like ain’t no man did this

“Highly favored” AND she appeared mentally unstable

“Highly favored” AND how much prenatal care she get

“Highly Favored” AND in the dead of night, had to leave erythAng she knew AnD move…not up to the East side, no…she had to move to a place that certainly didn’t look HeavenSent

“Highly Favored” AND she laid on the dirtY floor of a stable…a barn, surrounded by animals, LAWD, the smells alone – I need to know, did somebody give the girl some lemon, lavender, mint…anything?

“Highly Favored” AND she gave birth to her firstborn: The Most Powerful and simultaneously Gentle One, The Great Spirit, The Divine, My Sovereign One behind the Bethlehem Bed and Breakfast.

“Highly Favored”…now, maybe we should talk about the definitions for this word, Favor – kindness, approval, support, over generous, preferential treatment…wait a minute, whose definition of FavoR we talkiN’ about here?

Favor from Heaven’s perspective is NOthing like what earth may have ya believing!

Remember to remind yaSelf of the way Heaven views Favor

iF you are Highly Favored, Heaven will drop a seed into ya system that Heaven alone can germinate and develop and finally cause to “show” on the outside.

Heaven alone can take credit for the nourishment, birth and growth of this new life.

This new life will have limitless potential but NO human can decide what the path will look like. It may not appear “logical” but iF ya keep your ears open to the Sound of the Angels, they’re coming in this season of miracles to remind you that you are “Highly Favored” and EverY single occurrence in your is because…

You are Highly Favored!

Can you raise ya hand up in the air; make a fist if you like and say it out LOUD with me…I AM Highly Favoured!

That interview that did NoT turn into an offer is because I AM Highly Favored

That promotion I was promised but didn’t receive is because I AM Highly Favored

That house loan I was assured wasn’t granted because I AM Highly Favored

That relationship (friendship or romantic) didn’t go as I planned because I AM Highly Favored

What are you being Protected from because you are Highly Favored?

What is Heaven allowing to happen so people will shun you, even in and maybe especially in religious circles?

What is Heaven allowing so people will speak terribly to you and about you because you are Highly Favored?

What is it that isn’t looking like good sense but is Heaven’s leading?

What is it that has you shaking ya head because despite the lack of logic, you know in ya heart, all is well?

What has you seeing the Wonder amidst the worrisome?

Regardless of how it appears, the Truth that holds me is I AM Highly Favored!

Common Day Hero: To see, experience and know it all through the wonder of a child…that is my prayer. May we never lose the wonder…you hold it so well. I miss you immensely and hold ya in my heart always. My dear Robin Diane, I dedicate this post to you.


A seemingly insurmountable amount of boxes…that’s what I see!

While we’re talkin’ ’bout boxes, let it be known that I have never fit into any box (familial or societal!) and have no desire to ever be put in a box…so, upon my transition from this life, no boxes – burn me! I’ll go out in flames ~ shining brightly as a reminder of the Light of Heaven!

Decluttering, giving away what isn’t essential anymore, coming across memories – notes, photos, art and trying to decide what stays, what goes and what to throw especially when the space is where you thought you’d be forever (ok, at least until the kids graduated high school!), is beyond overwhelming at times.

So many unexpected emotions came to the surface for me. LONG sigh. Overall though, while the process is challenging, it is simultaneously exciting (both-and!). New adventures await! But first, more tape!

I AM thankful for friends who showed up with food (always welcome).

I AM thankful for friends who helped with packing (extra gratitude for those who hate packing and still packed!).

I AM thankful for my Mom letting me load up her little vehicle with my things.

I AM thankful for the few neighbors who showed up and were so kind through this whole process.

I AM thankful for the friends who kept my pets during this madness since March!

I AM thankful for those who processed with me ~ listened, shared feedback and gave hugs.

I AM thankful for all the good vibes, thoughts, positive energy, love and prayers from all over the world.

If you need boxes, come on by and if you find yourself moving especially unexpectedly, know that you’re not alone. I’m here on the journey with you. The Angels are with you. Yeshu is with you.

The Divine has a plan unfolding (this wasn’t a surprise to Heaven!) and as you exit this space, you are entering a space of freedom, healing, growth and limitless adventure!

Common Day Hero: You are kind, detail-oriented and exactly where you need to be professionally. I’m excited for all that is coming your way as you continue to walk in faith and freedom! Trese, I dedicate this post to you.

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