
Friendship is said to be an interpersonal bond…a relationship of mutual endearment/warmth, trust and support.

Sometimes, I think of friendships as rocks or gems. I have been gifted with some rocks and some cool gems along the way…I have grown to see the value in every experience.

Some jagged, abrasive/coarse rocks cut and cause loss of blood and strength (unintentionally, at times, I’m sure). My personal experience has been that it was all necessary for me and I gained insight I wouldn’t otherwise have.

The beauty of the gems in my life (precious and few) is that we are free to feel, share, process and heal one another. We welcome one another fully into all the messy and miraculous that is our lives…no part is hidden.

I AM grateful for friendships that last despite turbulence, tornados and all sorts of terror (internal and external).

I AM grateful to be heard and given space to simply…be.

In all the shifting and shaking, after the rocks have fallen out, who are the gems in your life?

Gems: Hold each other (gently). Polish (help/heal) each other. Offer gratitude often. Grow/evolve alongside each other (at one’s own pace). Love well (listen, engage, forgive, share honestly and transparently).

Common Day Hero: We’ve both experienced inexplicable pain but so much joy as well…among them this unexpected friendship! You, brave heart, are a pleasant surprise and welcome treasure from Heaven. I cannot begin to express all that I see for you ~ The Divine has so much good coming your way. You have not yet seen the best…in every area. Today, I dedicate this post to you, dearest gem, RMA.

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