
How can it be that a child of mine is now fifteen?!

Guess this is the feeling every birthday ~ what? another year flew by already?

We had such a grand and delightful time with our village celebrating this occasion!

Adorable one of mine was stunning in her Quinceneara top and skirt, her perfectly suited tiara (gift from one of her grandmothers), her first ever rosary (made by a grandmother so dear to us), decked in jewelry gifted by family and friends and her first ever stilettos ~ a gorgeous rose gold (another gift from family).

She was anointed with oil, had blessings, prayers and Scriptures spoken over her…a delicious cake and cupcakes, a sweet and fun first dance, her favorite kind of food, a hall so nicely decorated by family and friends and a dance floor filled with people she loves and who love her so dearly!

This night was a joy beyond description for me and my village. My heart was/is so full to have this special event for her. It is truly Heaven’s favor!

I AM most grateful for the kind people who helped bring this dream to life and made the night such a lovely and fun one for all, but especially for my brave, beautiful and brilliant daughter!

She rated it a 10/10 and that is all that matters!

Which special events do you remember with fondness?

What happy times can you go back to in your mind to remind yourself how good life can be?

What can you do to celebrate yourself today?

Common Day Hero: It’s only been a short time but I count you dear to me. One of the reasons you ranked high so quickly is because you were born on such a special/significant day! Your connection to The Divine, your fierce protection of your children and your commitment to your husband are just a few ways that your life is exemplary. Shevona, I dedicate this post to you.


I was at a clothing store and saw hopscotch on the floor (literally, right there…in the middle of the store) and it did my heart good.

As soon as I saw it, I smiled, walked right over, hopped my way down and felt downright good about it!

Hopscotch was one of the fun pieces that filled my childhood days.

This life…here, as we know it, St. James says, is like a vapor; gone so quickly. In less than a month, death came to three families I know. I cannot begin to describe the sadness this brings. I’ve cried many tears.

Hopscotch was a reminder to fully embrace the little delights that each day brings…to savor the moments…to keep childlike fun at the forefront.

Find your hopscotch ~ some seemingly small delight that in reality is BIG/good/healing for your heart!

Common Day Hero: A short two weeks ago, at a wedding reception, you looked at me and said, why isn’t anyone dancing? I said, Aunty, you have to get out there and show them how it’s done. And then, you did! You got out on the dance floor with your eldest son and showed us all how it’s done! From all the stories already being shared, it’s evident that you showed us how it’s done in many areas of life ~ faith, family, fun and a fierce dedication to service; always…a heart of service. Thank you Aunty! As we mourn, grieve and process this deep loss, I remember the words of your son Shaun, Heaven gained a giant! Indeed! Sarojnee (lotus ~ emerging from murky waters, to the surprise of all, with clean petals; rising above!) Devi (goddess) Naidoo (typically Telegu), Warrior turned Angel, I dedicate this post to you.


This week, my eldest turned FOURteen!

And despite da Vid, we celebrated it up…the day was ranked a 10/10!

Grateful for life, for the gift of celebrating another birthday, for good health and new beginnings!

This week, I’ve been thinking about a few of the simple delights children bring:

loads of laughter

all levels of silliness


faith (my kids’ prayers are comforting/healing)

Naming simple delights, doubles the joy and on difficult days, brings relief/comfort to me.

Who/what are some simple delights currently in your life?

Common Day Hero: Jillian, Mathew, Lea, Ty ~ you bring such joy to our lives. Grateful for your squeals of delight, all the laughs and those hugs. Praising The Divine for each of you and dedicating this post to you, with so much love.


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