
I wasn’t the one who stabbed you and yet here I am bleeding from your reactions – intended for another.

How many times have we received hurtful words and/or actions but we knew it wasn’t intended for us? How many times have we done that to others…in a most unkind manner, hurl every negative knowing full well that the recipient isn’t deserving of it?

I’ve had so much trash dumped on me (sometimes repeatedly by the same group of people). I’ve been the recipient of some terribly hurtful words and actions.

What’s helped me in some excruciating times is remembering (or later recognizing) that just because something is sent my way doesn’t mean I need to keep it. I can discard.

How we discard varies – therapy, support groups, deep breaths, grounding techniques, meditation, exercise, drawing, doodling, coloring, singing, dancing, knitting, sewing, writing, time with those who are safe, alone time, walks, jogs, runs, time in nature, camping, glamping, massages, karaoke, swimming, sports (watching or playing), movies, shows, traveling…I’m stopping here, but there’s so much more!

I AM healed and I AM ever-healing. It’s both-and!

I remain committed to self-care and soul-care so that I can continue to distinguish/discern what’s valuable then discard as needed and devote energy to all that is to be developed.

I’ve been unkind to others, but sometimes there are people who are nothing but negative. May I encourage us to give space/room to all that is deserving of our energy.

How do we know who/what is deserving of our energy?

Is it authentic, honorable, admirable, beautiful, respectful, pure, holy, merciful and kind? If not, I need not give it my energy. That’s loosely based on Verse Eight from Chapter Four of the Book of Philippians in The Holy Bible.

We’re in this together, fellow human and friend!

Common Day Hero: You are treasured beyond words. I see you now/still in that copper-tone kurtha set. You are adorable and have such a sweet nature. I know your grandfathers are enjoying all the time with you. I will forever think of you when I see/smell lemons ~ colorful, vibrant, full of zest, tart, sweet, refreshing. I love you, Israel Grant. Today, I dedicate this post to you.


I live in the Shadow of The Almighty.

There is shade, safety and solace in the Shadow of The Almighty.

In my shadow, there is work that needs to be done. Sometimes things are hidden in the shadows…we are all the better for doing shadow work.

Shadow work is said to be work that reveals the parts of ourselves that we hide/repress. The hiding may be because of trauma, conditioning, upbringing, environment or other variables.

Sometimes we don’t like parts of ourselves because of familial, societal, cultural norms or the words of those whom we have elevated as “better” than us.

At times, we may feel pressure/weight, from the well-intentioned, but let us not be run by it!

Speaking of not being run by others…I have exciting news coming soon! How soon? Maybe not soon enough for our current culture but soon!

What specifically is in the shadows for you now?

Once named, we can begin shadow work so we can be our most authentic/free selves!

Let’s commit to working towards ALL that needs to be faced, sorted, healed…ever on the journey with you – together we shine!

Common Day Hero: Your heart was stomped on beyond recognition. I feel it. You survived nights that at times, may have seemed insurmountable. Grateful you opened your heart up to true love and now…her Light shines on, through you. Grieving this deep loss alongside you. Even in these darkest of times, your inextinguishable Light; your radiant smile, your kind heart are seen and felt. I AM grateful. Today, Uncle Farouk, I dedicate this post to you.


Have you ever found yourself in a toxic environment? Did it seem like being in a dark room for a long time and then suddenly the curtains were opened or a wall was knocked out, unexpectedly?

I know it’s different for each of us…when light comes in and we start seeing what we didn’t even know was present, but hidden or masked/disguised.

In the beginning, when toxicity is new whether it’s gaslighting, manipulation, verbal, mental, emotional, physical control and/or so much more, it may seem exciting…especially when dysfunction is all we’ve experienced or seen.

We may feel a rush of excitement; however slight or momentary…we may accept that this rush is fundamental to relationships. We may squash ourselves (turtle behavior) or over-exert ourselves (tiger behavior) to be seen/heard.

We may also vacillate between the two behaviors depending on the environment.

A friend and I were talking recently about relationships and she said, at this point, she would rather live fully in the space in-between silence and screaming. I could relate.

When I didn’t hold value and love for myself, I found myself longing and desperately looking for approval, affirmation and affection in relationships that were never truly for me.

Once I embraced myself fully in Love and Light from The Divine, I no longer needed human approval, affirmation or  affection because I began walking in the Truth that Heaven has me. I AM free!

Everything YOU need is already within you because Truth empowers, heals, brings freedom and liberty.

Toxic no longer equals excitement once we commit to heal.

Give yourself the space you need. Step back and see more clearly the spaces you occupy by choice ~ are they Truth-filled spaces of Love and Light? If not, are you ready to step out and away from all the toxicity (regardless of how long an individual or org has been in your life?).

Courage to you dear Warrior, may you choose your own health (emotional, mental, spiritual, physical) over length of relationships/ties.

Freedom, Fortitude and Foresight to you on the journey.

Common Day Hero: You are so intelligent, eloquent and kind. Many have been (and are) changed for the better because of your commitment to excellence in service; I’m among those. Today, I dedicate this post to you, DanaB.


“We can only heal what we feel” is something I began saying (and accepting) a few years ago now. I believe Thelma Box and Dr. Phil say something similar. May not be the exact quote, but what comes to mind is “You cannot change what you do not acknowledge.”

Sometimes we don’t even realize we are carrying weight…

Sometimes our trauma is buried so deep…and we don’t want to look into exactly how deep…

Sometimes we’re so exhausted because we started the process and it is just TOO much…

Sometimes we isolate thinking that no one can relate…

Sometimes we don’t know that trauma is what it’s called!

Always –

It is well.

We are alright to not be alright.

We can take as much time as we need…Healing isn’t formulaic. 

We can process in the ways that best resonate with our hearts.

We can lean into the sadness, the pain, the anger, the weight…all of it…

We can lean back onto the support systems (personal/professional) around us.

Trauma care/help is crucial…The Divine walks alongside us through it.

How can we take just one step in the direction of facing/healing trauma today?

Common Day Hero: You are seen by The Divine, even on the days when it seems you’re all alone and invisible.  Heaven is proud of you -all day, eryday…in all the moments. Warrior Deacon, I dedicate this post to you.


Healing is miraculous, at times.

Healing is available through herbs, essential oils, nature and all that Mother Earth has to offer.

Healing comes through modern medicine…scientific/technological advancements.

Healing is taking deep breaths, singing, exercise, journaling, dancing, therapy, drawing, meditation, listening to music, coloring, reading, time in nature, stating affirmations, spending time with friends (human and/or animals!), etc.

Healing is heaven ~ we sing about it, talk about it, quote verses about it but ain’t nobody tryna make a trip today!

I have been Asking the Divine for healing in the form of a miracle for so many people in my life right now.

My eyes are filled with tears on a daily basis.

My heart is heavy and I’m taking deep/full breaths throughout the day.

I’m releasing ~ envisioning balloons (and at times bubbles) floating up to Heaven so that I no longer carry any weight.

Are you carrying any weight around a health test, a diagnosis/prognosis, a job, a relationship, something else that is traumatic/unexpected…painful, heart-breaking?

What helps bring healing to your heart? Incorporate one item into your day. 

Healing is doing what YouR heart needs!

Your heart is WORTH it!

On the journey with you, fellow Warrior…always!

Common Day Hero: You are a devoted prayer warrior. Countless individuals have benefitted from your prayers (me and my children included). Thankful for your love, kindness and prayers. Elsie, today, I dedicate this post to you.


My fur-baby, Blu, is the most recent addition to the family! Yes, I now have THREE cats!

He came to me on 23 June – such a gift…a bundle of pure energy and joy.

He likes to be with me and the kids. Not necessarily held, but in the same area…if he doesn’t see or hear us, within a matter of minutes he starts “pacing” and meowing loudly till we join him.

I feel lighter because I have Blu which reminds me, it is said that a cat’s purr is healing!

Did you know that a cat’s purr…

Reduces pain

Relaxes muscles

Heals muscles, tendons and ligament injuries

Accelerates the healing of bones

Helps with healing infection and swelling

Decreases the symptoms of dyspnea

Lowers stress and blood pressure

Did you also know that cat owners have a 40% lower risk for heart attacks?!

Have I been successful in moving your heart to consider bringing a kitten into your life? No?

If no, what are some other ways in which you can care for your heart this week?

Be/bring your own healing. Take one step today – I’m taking it with you.

Common Day Hero: Unexpected friend for whom I AM grateful beyond words. Abba knew I needed you in my life. Thank you for sharing honestly/openly and for always listening. MikeR, I dedicate this post to you.


Two songs have continued to come up for me now – one I heard quite often in the 80s; it’s just the chorus of that one that comes up, but haven’t heard it since…the other has some radio time still (it’s only five years old now!).

As far back as I can remember, there are moments, at various points throughout the day (not but you know…), songs just come spilling out of my mouth! It isn’t premeditated; just happens.

Sometimes it’s a sad song that lets me feel the pain, sometimes it’s empowering…a reminder that I’m not alone. The Divine is ever-present. Sometimes, it leads me to dance – just fully dive in and embrace the joy of the moment.

Music is a healing agent.

It has always been a great comfort and joy for me. Different pieces speak – The beats/rhythm. The tune. The lyrics. The repetition…images and memories are evoked…HOPE stirred…faith renewed…love restored!

So, I wanted to share these two songs with you. Hopefully, they are a source of strength and reassurance for you, as well, fellow Warrior. 

Spirit wings by Joni Eareckson Tada 

Rise by Katy Perry

Which lyrics/poems/verses are coming up for you these days?

Common Day Hero: A seemingly countless amount of things interfere in relationships, but regardless of the interruptions we’ve had, seems the friendship is solid…you are a fiercely devoted wife and mother. Know that you are seen! I’m grateful for you CS (not Lewis – ha!), I dedicate this post to you!


It’s easy to see when those around us refuse to face the truth…especially if we believe it’s dangling directly in front of their faces. Something so big, it can’t be denied and yet…it is.

We see it all for others, but do we make excuses to hide behind the fears in front of us? Do we dismiss what is on our own hearts and minds? Statements or thoughts like oh, it’s ok. I’ll just stay quiet, so no one else feels awkward. I don’t want to cause a ruckus. I don’t want to draw attention when others haven’t said anything.

Have we compared and essentially minimized our story? Examples: my situation isn’t as bad as theirs. I’ve heard so much worse. I know this isn’t a big deal. I don’t even know why I’m talking about these issues when others go through a whole lot more.

How many times have we let others tell us (verbally or through their actions) what a “spiritual”, “proper” or “acceptable” response is? Have we let a spouse, friend, extended family member, social or religious group decide what our next steps must be?

Have we allowed other voices to dictate our feelings and/or the meaning of the actions done to us? Regardless of how “innocently” the harm occurred, it is still harm. Being stabbed is painful…no matter what the back story.

Sadly, so many people throw out verses and words like “extend grace”, “just trust” and “respond in love” to those who are the VICTIMS…those who have been wronged, violated, taken advantage of, mistreated, fill in the blank and sometimes repeatedly.

I fully believe the Divine always has room for the perpetrator and the victim, but I do NOT believe that the victim must be silenced. I do not believe that fear, manipulation or guilt are to be given a leadership position.

I’m reaching back to my Sunday School days for this: The One who promised never to leave or forsake you is true to that promise. Even when the support you thought you would always have changes and even if every one leaves, The Divine is with you.

IF you have been violated in ANY way – verbally, emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, you are not alone. I weep with you. You are worth speaking up for, standing up for, fighting for…always!

Wherever you find yourself today – perpetrator (looking in the window), victim (looking out of the window; wishing, hoping and screaming for a way out), you are seen and loved. The Divine is always with you…arms wide open to embrace you (or give you dap!) because Love heals.

Now let’s get the help we need. Let’s not ignore or dismiss anything; let’s invite Divine Love into our lives. Let’s truly care for and love one another in DEED. Practical points for us to “love one another in DEED” –

If the perpetrator is a friend or family member, may I encourage you not to let the relationship blind you to what is necessary? Help set up therapy, psychiatric evaluations or anything else that is helpful.

If you are the perpetrator, The Divine is waiting on you. Light, Love and Healing awaits. The Divine will walk with you through the most difficult of situations, Overcomer!

If you or someone you know is a victim, reach out to a licensed counselor and support group. Lean in to close friends who will prioritize safety. Stand in your power even if no one stands with you. The Divine will carry you through the storm, fellow Warrior!

Is there any area where we are in denial? If so, what is one truth we can sit with today? If we’re not ready to embrace it all yet, can we just sit with it a bit? Is someone close to us in denial? If yes, how can we keep ourselves safe and sane?

Common Day Hero: On the day I first met you, you stood up for me. I will always remember how much it filled my heart to have that day with you and Kochayan. I have always wished that you lived near me, but when I became a mother, I really mourned not having you close. I thought (and still think) of you often and especially when I desperately need grace. You are wise, welcoming, an amazing cook, witty and fun. Beautiful Sushi, I dedicate this post to you.

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