
As the years pass, I realize life is less than sublime…I don’t know if all of us believed (at some point in our younger years) that life was peaches and cream or rainbows and unicorns or faloodeh (falooda/faluda) and rasgullas!

Life is big and beautiful, gloriously difficult and fun, looming and tiresome…and from my perspective, so worth the living.

Speaking with someone this morning, I realized I have a wish/prayer for us all this month of love…

May you take as many deep and full breaths as you need.

May you light a candle, on the darkest of nights/days, even if it’s the only light in the moment…focus on the flame as you hum, sing, count or sit mesmerized by all that is illuminated by this smallest of lights.

May you walk in the park, or on a trail in the city, or simply down the sidewalk and bask in the sun.

May you find your way to a body of water if water speaks comfort, healing and joy to your soul…whether that be a pond, lake, swimming pool or the ocean herself.

May the sights and sounds of nature bring delight to you…the birds chirping and flying together (for reasons still unclear to me, seeing the V formation delights my soul!) , the squirrels and bunnies’ sudden movements, the beauty of the trees, the movement made by the wind…

May you be gently reminded of how much you’re valued, wanted…and needed here.

May you hug and hold yourself if no one is present to physically hold you now. The experts say we need eight hugs to survive and twelve to thrive…daily!

May words of affirmation and encouragement rise up through lyrics, verses, cards, comedy, your circle as well as pleasantly surprising and unexpected sources.

May there be moments of wonder and awe and…sheer delight and pure joy.

May dreams be awakened within you…vivid and colorful and carefree…may visions continue to come to you and fuel your HOPE (Heavenly Oxygen Permeating Earth).

May you find grounding techniques helpful.

May you touch five different things…various fabrics, papers, paint or other liquids…and may you fully feel them…the texture, the way it feels on your fingertips, the way it feels to hold…

May you look intently at four things and be comforted…maybe see some things never seen before.

May you listen to three different sounds and be soothed, encouraged, consoled, have creativity spark…maybe close your eyes to concentrate on the sounds.

May you smell two different scents and immerse yourself in the aroma…and where it takes you.

May you taste one sweet or savory item of your choice (or both sweet and salty!) and give yourself the freedom to truly relish it.

May you find comfort and courage and strength in all the above.

May you know that strength is found in letting our tears freely flow down our face…and body, in laughing till our sides hurt, in smiling at strangers as we pass, in sitting in the silence, in doodling, in dancing, in drawing, in yoga, in looking in the mirror and offering love to ourselves even if only through our eyes (words if you choose and of your choosing), in Pilates, in speaking with friends, in sharing with support groups and therapists and in so many more ways than I can even begin to list.

Fortitude to you…to us all, as we navigate what’s new and different and difficult/challenging.

Wisdom to us for/on this journey and always…

Grace upon grace.

Common Day Hero: College, the newness of things, the pain of the past, life in general…for all of it, I dedicate this post to you, Emma R. You are held, always…in the warmest of thoughts and most positive energy and by our ancestors whose strength and resilience flows through your veins, empowering and propelling you forward. Be bold and brave as you are evolving and ever-becoming…a beautiful butterfly.


Anytime something/one new is born, there is pain.

We typically may not think of that, but it seems to hold true that from pain comes purpose…from experience comes empathy and/or extra understanding…from turmoil come opportunities for transformation…

May we fully mourn and lament the loss of what we thought might have been…what ended unexpectedly…what blindsided us because only when we release are we free to receive.

When we release the past, we free ourselves to receive the present (pun intended – present/gift).

We can then celebrate the birth of new things!

We can live in child-like awe and wonder!

We can open ourselves up to fully enjoy all the pleasant surprises Heaven sends our way!

What is being birthed in our lives now…or waiting to be birthed once we mourn, lament and release?

What/whom do we need to release to make room for the new?

Common Day Hero: I don’t know your personal story. What I know is that you come from a family full of faith and lots of fun. The way you love and serve is seen. Today, I dedicate this post to you, Aunty Nazma.


For as long as I can remember, I’ve been blessed (at times feels like a curse) with the gift of seeing visions. For me, it’s as if someone has turned the TV on and I see scenes/clips…

Visions occur when awake. Dreams occur when asleep.

I see prophetic dreams as well. Prophetic dreams are dreams showing bits and pieces of the future. Sometimes with dreams and visions, what I see doesn’t play out in the exact way I saw/thought.

That is alright. Always, we are free to receive or reject what is seen. Always, I remain open to Heaven’s interpretations and unfolding of it all.

Typically, I say, I fully receive every good and perfect gift that Heaven is bringing/sending my way. Always, I sit with it. I don’t dismiss or ignore it. I sit and let it be…most times, I share with my inner circle.

They give feedback/critique; they pray; they sit with me. Grateful for my inner circle.

My visions don’t always connect or make logical sense. That is alright.

I decided some time ago that although I AM logical and a deep thinker, I choose to surrender. My logic bows to The Divine because I believe that I can’t see/understand/begin to wrap my mind around it all.

I AM content – to not know…to see visions and dreams…to feel…to receive messages from ALL of Heaven – and so are you, dear one, IF you want.

Whether you see dreams or visions; whether you sense things; whether you feel energy – all is well. The Divine is ever speaking; for some, it’s always in the foreground. For others, we have to go on a scavenger hunt of sorts.

Courage and fortitude to you dear one.

Common Day Hero: You bring so many laughs and thoughts any time I’m with you. May you always hear the Voices of Heaven and keep that boldness to follow what you hear. Your heart is important. Tre and Reagan, today, I dedicate this post to you.


Graduation season…transition, endings, change, new beginnings…I was invited to a few ceremonies and parties…always a reminder (for me) that life is zooming by faster than we realize, at times.

Attending the grad ceremonies and parties had me wondering…are we only focused on external accomplishments? Ambition, goals and all the external achievements are good; however, are we also prioritizing emotional/spiritual inner healing and growth?

Are we taking time to focus on inner healing, create emotional/spiritual goals and count internal health and growth among our achievements and celebrate those milestones?

Consider clocking these as milestones:

Making it one day, one week, one month, one year without calling/texting/sexting/emailing/hanging out with/hookingUP with someone who is unhealthy/damaging/disrespectful

Not being manipulated, gaslit, controlled, run over/by others (regardless of whether theyS blood)

Not allowing our energy or time to be robbed in any way by those who don’t show value for us

No longer needing to “prove” anything to ANYone (being and doing only what’s on our hearts)

Responding versus reacting (recently someone said some unkind things intended to cut/hurt me; I remained silent. I knew there was no need for words with someone hell-bent on having the last word).

Remaining silent rather than wasting our energy on those who don’t care for us

Living fully/freely from the heart (not from fear or societal, familial obligations/expectations or other unhealthy places and patterns)

AND re: all the above – redirecting ourselves as often as we need and keeping ourselves accountable to trustworthy/safe individuals

How can we prioritize our emotional/spiritual/mental health today?

Which emotional/spiritual/mental growth and milestones can we celebrate this week?

Grace upon grace to you dear ones; I’m here on the journey with you and always cheering for you!

Common Day Hero: You are respectful, funny, gorgeous and kind. May you always be Led (in every facet of life) by the impressions/dreams/visions on your heart.  Your heart counts! Madelyn, grateful for you, here for you always and today, I dedicate this post to you.


I live in the Shadow of The Almighty.

There is shade, safety and solace in the Shadow of The Almighty.

In my shadow, there is work that needs to be done. Sometimes things are hidden in the shadows…we are all the better for doing shadow work.

Shadow work is said to be work that reveals the parts of ourselves that we hide/repress. The hiding may be because of trauma, conditioning, upbringing, environment or other variables.

Sometimes we don’t like parts of ourselves because of familial, societal, cultural norms or the words of those whom we have elevated as “better” than us.

At times, we may feel pressure/weight, from the well-intentioned, but let us not be run by it!

Speaking of not being run by others…I have exciting news coming soon! How soon? Maybe not soon enough for our current culture but soon!

What specifically is in the shadows for you now?

Once named, we can begin shadow work so we can be our most authentic/free selves!

Let’s commit to working towards ALL that needs to be faced, sorted, healed…ever on the journey with you – together we shine!

Common Day Hero: Your heart was stomped on beyond recognition. I feel it. You survived nights that at times, may have seemed insurmountable. Grateful you opened your heart up to true love and now…her Light shines on, through you. Grieving this deep loss alongside you. Even in these darkest of times, your inextinguishable Light; your radiant smile, your kind heart are seen and felt. I AM grateful. Today, Uncle Farouk, I dedicate this post to you.


We need not figure anything out…ever…really…the world (including the religious world) has us believing that we must first figure it out -whatever “it” is.

And only once “it” has been figured out, we can move forward.

If we have figured it all out, is any faith required on the journey?

I live by/in faith. I do not live by the seen/visible. Thank you to my parents.

Rest, dear heart.

Nothing to figure; embrace faith so all can be faced.

Here, alongside you on the journey…always.

Common Day Hero: You are bold, tenacious and kind. May every endeavor prosper as your soul and mind prosper. May the kindness you extend return to you a hundred fold always. PaulaB, I dedicate this post to you.


The beach brings a smile to me, calms my mind, soothes my soul. I close my eyes and listen to the sounds of the ocean.

On my most recent trip to Oahu, I saw my grandmother in a photo taken by a friend. My grandmother is in Heaven, but the shadow in the image looked like my grandmother!

I immediately felt it was her. I received this as a hug from heaven, a reminder/reassurance that this is the season of our ancestors…that great cloud of witnesses.

The strength of those who have gone before us is here now, in a different way. I don’t know how to fully or even accurately express it all. I just sense the shakti (divine energy) of Heaven with me, here…now.

As I closed my eyes and listened to the ocean, I joined along in praise. My heart was so full.

I offered gratitude and praise for: this season, the Divine strength of our ancestors, the opportunity to fully and freely enjoy this trip, the joy of being with family and friends, the delights of nature (beautiful flowers, trees, birds, the ocean, the sand), the coffee shop, the souvenir spots and a variety of eateries all within walking distance!

I AM living the Abundant Life ~ rich in spirit, full of love, singiN/danciN in the Light and Power of Heaven…sent by those who have gone before us!

Common Day Hero: Just a sliver of your story brought tears to me…your strength and courage is empowering. Your humor is a joy! Today, I dedicate this post to you, GodmothAH, Stevie!

Jael (Yah-el)

Yeshu has been preppiN me for a very long time. Still/always preppiN. And I’m still failing…always forward! Still standing on HOPE (heavenly oxygen permeating earth)!
Growing up, I didn’t want to be female because I saw how much freedom males had. Females couldn’t go out past evening. Females had to dress a certain way. Females couldn’t be “loud”. On and on the list went that seemed to be slanted against females.
Therapy, journaling, prayer/meditation, some difficult friendships, books/articles and workshops over the course of time opened the door for me to embrace my feminine side. It looks different for all of us. I AM now so full of joy to be a woman…to see that it doesn’t hinder me in any way. I AM free to be me!
In December, twenty-eighteen, I met a woman and her husband for the first time.
As soon as I met them, I saw a vision of a Bible story I’d heard like a hun’ed times, growing up.
I saw the Red Sea parted…I saw Moses (staff in his hand) and both hands raised. I said to the couple, raise your hands in victory now (not literally, but ya know!) because just like The Divine parted the Red Sea, you will see and experience something similar. The Divine will part the Red Sea on your behalf.
Sidebar: when I’m sharing a word, feeling, vision or dream with someone, I typically say I’m a flawed human so whatever I see or share, just take what resonates with you. Any vision/dream/words that I share are simply an offering placed on the table for the taking…or not! I’m completely aight with it because I whole-heartedly believe the beauty of love is choice!
And I also don’t always see or feel things exactly as they will happen. Sometimes, I don’t accurately express what I see or feel. So, I practice the same. When someone shares, I make note of the whole piece, but I immediately take what resonates and set the rest aside (for a later time).
In August, twenty nineteen, we saw each other again at a party. As soon as we hugged, she said, you are Jael (Yah-el)! A flash back to childhood days in Sunday School. I said, yeah, I know the story. I asked if she’d be alright exchanging phone numbers and staying connected. She said sure!
As soon as I shared the vision that day, she hugged me and we cried together. I’m an empath. I could feel the weight of her pain. She shared that she had recently experienced a deep loss. That was it. We went our separate ways. Anytime she came to mind, I’d say a prayer. Sometimes, I’d just close my eyes and send love her way.
That day, soon as I got home, I wrote up a little modern-day, lali-version of the story. I thought I have a message hopefully empowering if I’m ever asked to speak! Just had the honor of sharing it this week!
I AM Jael.
The Hebrew pronunciation of the name is Yaa-el/Yah-el.
In Hebrew, Jael means mountain goat. Mountain goats live in hostile environments; they are agile, sure-footed, methodical climbers. It is said they can scale twelve feet in one jump!
Here’s the story: Well, first, I say, read it fa yaself to verify erything! It’s in the fourth chapter of the Book of Judges in the Holy Bible. Again, this the lali version!
A woman, Deborah, was a judge, prophetess, wife and mother. She was wise and the neighbors knew it! So, they (the people of Israel) came to her to present their “cases” and she helped resolve them.
One day, she sent for Barak to come see her. He came ova and she asked him, didn’t The Divine tell you to rally up yo’ troops and meet at Mount Tabor? And didn’t The Divine also say that you would “get” Sisera, the captain of the opposing army?
Barak said, gurrl, if you go, I’ll go. If you ain’t goin’ then I fa sho’ ain’t goin’. Deborah said, oh Imma go witchu, but victory gonna come to our people through a WomaN (whoop!whoop!)
Barak said, yah, cool, whateva, Imma go witchu! I reallY like that Barak esteemed Deborah; he saw her as an equal. So, they went and the next day and Deborah tol’ him THIS is the DAY when the enemy will be given to you by The LordT! So, Barak and ’em met Sisera and ’em and The Bible say, Barak got all of Sisera’s army…like all of dem…except Sisera.
Sisera got so confused and afraid that he started runnin’ away. I keep thinkin’ with ALL those horses, you gonna take off runnin’? Aight. I don’t know. I wasn’t there; maybe the horses got spooked too!
So, Sisera ran up to Jael’s tent. Only reason he felt like he could go to that tent was prolly coz her huZband (Heber) was friendly with Jabin, the King.
Jael went out to greet Sisera. She said, don’t be skeered. Come inside; get out of the heat.
The enemy came in all smug. He asked for water, but we (Easterners don’t give water to a general). She offered him milk. He drank, he probably ate too and then he thought he would take a nap.
Jael used that opportunity to drive a tent peg through his skull and Victory came to Israel through the hands of a woman that day! Jael may have been shaking; she may have had to take some deep/full breaths; she may have screamed into a pillow.
What we know is that she stepped in and did what needed to be done in the moment. Destiny fulfilled!
During this month of celebrating International Women’s Day, are there any ways we can embrace womanhood more? Tap into the Divine feminine side of ourselves more? Stand in our Power more?
What has Heaven placed on your heart that has you afraid because it’s an “uncommon” path? What has you thinking “I’m just a woman” or “that can’t be for me”?
Truth statements help me remember how powerful I AM…whether I feel it or not, I declare it! May you receive strength from it as well. Pick up ya tent peg (Truth) and slay the enemy (lies in ya mind).
I AM a Woman! I AM a Warrior! I AM a Winner!
Courage to you dear heart; may this be the month you step into all that the Divine has for you!
Here for and with you!
Common Day Hero: I don’t know your whole story. I know you have overcome much. I see your beauty, strength and tenacity; it fuels mine. I AM glad you’re in my life. AuntYasmin, I dedicate this post to you.


Many of us don’t want to be a burden in any way, so we settle. In relationships, careers, food (especially when placing an order), zip codes, vehicles, etc…we settle.

At times, when we know in our hearts that we need not speak, we don’t keep quiet. And when we know we need to speak, we remain silent.

I like my eggs not hard, but not runny and quite a few times others have become upset that I wouldn’t just go with the hard or runny.

Today, I’m here to tell you that you are FREE to take as long as you need to place your order. You are free to change up the specifications of your order to your liking, regardless…and that applies to ALL areas of life!

You are free to be firm and kind. It is possible. I’ve accommodated for too long, “gone along with” and entertained what hasn’t been good for my soul for far too long. Not.any.more!

What (or whom) are you creating distance from so that you can simultaneously have space to hold the people and things essential to your healing and growth?

It is alright to outgrow relationships and familiar spaces for your own evolution…and a revolution!

Common Day Hero: She isn’t known by many because she intentionally keeps a low profile. She works diligently to care well for her family/home. She is Alice, I dedicate this to you.


From as early as I can remember, my mom has quoted Psalm 121 when we enter a vehicle. Before we buckle up, as we buckle up and as we start moving down the road, we’d hear these words. I find myself saying these very words and being comforted by them often.

May they comfort you, knowing The Divine offers Protection, Provision and the very Preservation of our souls.

Chapter 121 of the Book of Psalms from The Holy Bible (New King James Version, but please look up the version of your choice, the one that speaks best to your heart. This is just the version we heard/memorized).

I will lift up my eyes to the hills—
From whence comes my help?
My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.

He will not allow your foot to be moved;
He who keeps you will not slumber.
Behold, He who keeps Israel
Shall neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord is your keeper;
The Lord is your shade at your right hand.
The sun shall not strike you by day,
Nor the moon by night.

The Lord shall preserve you from all evil;
He shall preserve your soul.
The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in
From this time forth and even forevermore.

Common Day Hero: May you sense even now the way Heaven guards you. May your heart find reassurance in this Psalm and always may you know how deeply loved you are. My dearest HJ and TruG, I dedicate this post to you.

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