
How can it be that a child of mine is now fifteen?!

Guess this is the feeling every birthday ~ what? another year flew by already?

We had such a grand and delightful time with our village celebrating this occasion!

Adorable one of mine was stunning in her Quinceneara top and skirt, her perfectly suited tiara (gift from one of her grandmothers), her first ever rosary (made by a grandmother so dear to us), decked in jewelry gifted by family and friends and her first ever stilettos ~ a gorgeous rose gold (another gift from family).

She was anointed with oil, had blessings, prayers and Scriptures spoken over her…a delicious cake and cupcakes, a sweet and fun first dance, her favorite kind of food, a hall so nicely decorated by family and friends and a dance floor filled with people she loves and who love her so dearly!

This night was a joy beyond description for me and my village. My heart was/is so full to have this special event for her. It is truly Heaven’s favor!

I AM most grateful for the kind people who helped bring this dream to life and made the night such a lovely and fun one for all, but especially for my brave, beautiful and brilliant daughter!

She rated it a 10/10 and that is all that matters!

Which special events do you remember with fondness?

What happy times can you go back to in your mind to remind yourself how good life can be?

What can you do to celebrate yourself today?

Common Day Hero: It’s only been a short time but I count you dear to me. One of the reasons you ranked high so quickly is because you were born on such a special/significant day! Your connection to The Divine, your fierce protection of your children and your commitment to your husband are just a few ways that your life is exemplary. Shevona, I dedicate this post to you.


“O come let us adore Him” is the song in my head…and on my lips today.

I don’t sing because everything is exactly as I want or hoped it would be. I sing because my HOPE (heavenly oxygen permeating earth) is not in a human.

My HOPE is in Heaven…in the Divine. This has me untethered!

And there are days that no songs come. I don’t have steps to a cure of any sort for what ails us…just suggestions to help us engage (and not isolate). It seems that when we isolate-without-end, it’s more harmful than helpful.

Suggestions (hopefully helpful) – adopt a pet (if you don’t want a pet full-time then pet-sit!). If you’re not a pet person, volunteer to help some of our fellow humans in need. Sign up for a local art, self-defense, calligraphy, cooking, dance, coding, writing, speaking class…or something else that interests you!

May you find joy on the journey, peace in the process and delight (even if just for a moment) amidst despair this holiday season!

Common Day Hero: I see such a tenacity, fire and tenderness in you. May all of Heaven’s favor be upon you always. Aunty Hassina, I dedicate this post to you.


Two songs have continued to come up for me now – one I heard quite often in the 80s; it’s just the chorus of that one that comes up, but haven’t heard it since…the other has some radio time still (it’s only five years old now!).

As far back as I can remember, there are moments, at various points throughout the day (not every.single.day but you know…), songs just come spilling out of my mouth! It isn’t premeditated; just happens.

Sometimes it’s a sad song that lets me feel the pain, sometimes it’s empowering…a reminder that I’m not alone. The Divine is ever-present. Sometimes, it leads me to dance – just fully dive in and embrace the joy of the moment.

Music is a healing agent.

It has always been a great comfort and joy for me. Different pieces speak – The beats/rhythm. The tune. The lyrics. The repetition…images and memories are evoked…HOPE stirred…faith renewed…love restored!

So, I wanted to share these two songs with you. Hopefully, they are a source of strength and reassurance for you, as well, fellow Warrior. 

Spirit wings by Joni Eareckson Tada 

Rise by Katy Perry

Which lyrics/poems/verses are coming up for you these days?

Common Day Hero: A seemingly countless amount of things interfere in relationships, but regardless of the interruptions we’ve had, seems the friendship is solid…you are a fiercely devoted wife and mother. Know that you are seen! I’m grateful for you CS (not Lewis – ha!), I dedicate this post to you!


Fire…it refines; it burns away the dross…it brings forth pure gold.

Fire does not feel good unless it’s cold or windy…then being seated close (but not too close!) to the fire is comforting for me. I think fire (in a fireplace or pit) is pretty and I’m always ready for s’mores!

I’ve heard difficult times/trials described as “going through fire”. I’ve heard (and sung) many songs about going through fire and the refiner’s fire…sigh. Through the years, nuh-thing, absolutely nuh-th-ing prepared me for the intensity of the various trials that came my way.

Now, in the midst of this most difficult of seasons, I will bend, but I will not break. I will grieve, but I will not give up. I will feel it all, but I will not be run by fear.

A friend recently texted me a verse that I learned in childhood. It came at a time when I really needed to be reassured, “For I, says the Lord, will be a ring of fire all around her and I will be the glory in her midst.” Some translations say “wall of fire”. Found in Verse five of Chapter two from the Book of Zechariah in The Bible.

Seeing the words “I will be a ring of fire all around her” brought so much comfort to me. Reading those words, in this time, I felt seen. I felt safe. I felt protected.

I cannot say that everything will go as you or I plan because that is not how life on our planet works…sigh. Life brings us happy, sad, unexpected, fun, disappointing, heart-breaking, soul-wrenching, joy-filled, ecstatic moments.

In the moments that life brings us delight, may we fully celebrate and enjoy it all. In the deeply painful and overwhelmingly sad moments, may we let ourselves grieve. And in our grieving, may we remember that we are not alone, dear Warriors.

The Divine is a ring of fire around us…a wall of safety and protection.

This season will not be the end of me. I will survive (now I’m singing the song; thank you Diana Ross!), I will live, I will thrive! I will experience goodness, grace and joy. I will move forward because this ring of fire protects and empowers me!

Close your eyes with me. Envision The ring of fire around you…what are you feeling?

Common Day Hero: You are an exemplary mom, a great daughter, sibling, friend and wife. I have been so encouraged by your words, prayers and verses. LilyS, I dedicate this post to you.

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