
Be still…and know (really know, like in ya bones…aight, in ya Spirit!).

Quieting ourselves gently will allow for the Whisper of The Divine to be heard.

And may we not lose focus or hope because we haven’t “heard”.

Even if it’s a feeling that comes up, or one word, maybe a phrase, a song, a few sentences…sit with it.

Write it out.

Sit with it again (may help to keep a journal open so you can quickly jot a note anytime you walk by it).

Write out the “more” that comes (if anything).

Sit with it all as long as you need. Each of us are different, so all of it varies…the length of time, the feelings, the words, the thoughts, the impressions on our heart.

Chart a course…even if it’s leading into uncharted territory.

Share with your inner circle (as much or as little as you choose).

The main reason for sharing is accountability and support in all the ways.

All of the above steps can be applied to the following (including, but not limited to!): emotional, mental, spiritual, physical, work, owning/managing a business as well as relationship goals!

Some of us may find it helpful to commit to one day a week for this; others may take five to ten minutes on the daily or some other option -? Some of us may not want to set specifics; we just do these sorts of things in the moment when we feel it…tell da truth!

I’ve mapped out numerous plans and charted quite a few courses through the years. I’ve also course corrected many times – as often as needed.

When you’re ready to step out in faith…Set Sail!

Some will never believe you are ready; that’s why faith has been so significant for me. I choose to place value on the internal and Eternal, not the external.

You may not feel ready, you will simply know (remember? really know…) that it’s time to set sail!

In this season, I’m reminded again hold plans loosely, heal continually and help others along the way.

Cheering you on, brave one, from the beginning being still and everything in between (planning, charting, sharing) till the moment you decide it’s time…by faith, to Set Sail and then all along this voyage out on the beautiful open waters of life!

Common Day Hero: Miserable, magical, memorable, miraculous and many other moments on this journey…through it all, you remain faithful, fierce and fun! Grateful to hear a bit of your story. JaideF, today, I dedicate this post to you.


The space in between where I AM and where I want to be is typically the most anxiety-ridden and fear-filled place. And that is alright. Anxiety and fear are simply signals/signs.

Once recognized…once I AM aware of anxiety, fear and all other negatives, I have a choice. I can ignore, dismiss or disregard – this has not proven helpful for me in the past.

I can gather the strength to acknowledge it. At times, acknowledgement is my biggest hurdle.

Once acknowledged, I can sit with it for a minute (not a literal minute coz ya’ll know I can sit for a LONG time!). Anyhow, once acknowledged, sat with, faced (read: stared and made faces at), I can take some deep breaths, smash a pillow and then chart a course of action to help work through/process it all.

Processing for me begins internally (looks different for each of us) and then externally.

So, first acknowledge where I AM: presence fully in the present.

Write it all out; everything I see/sense/feel.

Then, process through it (sometimes this involves an intensive – workshop/seminar). Long term it typically include therapy (counseling, art, music, dance water, spiritual healing) and support groups.

As the unfolding takes place, the processing reveals things never before seen or things buried.

Hold all of the things up to the Light ~ sit with it, meditate on it, speak about it with those who are safe, pray about it and please do anything else that helps and causes no harm.

What needs to be discarded (holds no value/positive energy)? What needs to be dusted off and given space? What needs a long-term care plan?

What is the dream you’re holding?

I believe all of us have dreams – we’re either living the dream, working towards the dream or have buried the dream. For those who buried dreams or had dreams buried by someone else, this journey is to unearth the dream, make room for it, formulate a plan so we can fully live the dream, the rest of our days.

Fully enjoy where you are now.

Keep dreaming and journaling/processing it all.

Work towards where you wanna be.

What is the dream you’re unearthing…holding…building or reBuilding? I’m here with/for you!

Common Day Hero: You work tirelessly to ensure your family is well taken care of always. You live in light of eternity. You show up for ya friends; we love you. Beayonka, I dedicate this post to you today.


Another year on this planet…another trip around the sun…another birthVersary…another celebration this week!

I AM offering praises for being here – fully present, undeniably free, in Peace and immensely grateful.

This year, I told friends that the only gift I wanted were words…just notes/letters.

What I wanted was to simply hear/see the words that were on the hearts of those whom I hold dear.

Words are powerful. Words create. Words heal. Words encourage. Words empower. Words restore.

This year, I committed to live my best life in every way and am immersing myself fully into all my interests!

What do you want to do with another year on the planet…what is it you want to accomplish in your world/circle?

May I encourage you not to be hindered in your pursuits…in any way?

We need not be “good” by anyone’s standards (including our own inner critic) to pursue our talents, dreams and interests. Just give everything ya like a shot – at least we would’ve risked and gained rather than later regretting.

Not being hindered also allows us to hold our plans loosely…and pivot accordingly.

Here’s to us, as we pursue, life (fully/freely from the heart), Liberty (already granted; we simply choose to receive) and the pursuit of happiness (be unhindered ~ as long as we aren’t hindering or hurting anyone, it’s all good).

Common Day Hero: You bring such delight to everyone around you. The way you take things in, your attention to detail, your knowledge, your irresistible smile, your contagious laugh and your kindness touch my life in more ways than you may know. LuGa, I dedicate this post to you.


Personal belief: no human can plan as extravagantly…as detailed…as beautifully surprising as The Divine!

Countless times, I have seen The Divine pull things togethAH like no othAH.

Many of you already know that I was blindsided by divorce and it was finalized in April of this year (on tax day!). What you may not know is that the house sold and I had to be out by 14 June.

I’m a planner, but in this specific situation, I felt that I was to be still and trust. I knew that in Heaven’s perfect time, The Divine would lead me to a place prepared just for me and my kids.

Well-intentioned friends said I lacked good judgment; I continued to repeat what was on my heart “I will be Led to the perfect space prepared just for me and my kids”.

I know everyone around me was just nervous, concerned and worried for me (and really the kids), but what I also know without a shadow of a doubt is that I AM held, so it’s all good!

A specific area came to my heart during the first week of June and I immediately knew that I needed to start looking at places for rent in that area. No job, no promise of a job; just a sign from The Divine!

Although I have no job; I have proceeds from the sale of the house. Well, ain’t nobody tryna hear that! I called wanted pay stubs or an offer letter showing an amount that’s up to three times more than the rent. No one wants cash and cash upfront? What has this world become?!

Anyhow, on Friday, 11 June, I saw a place and although I’d been rejected twenty-nine times already, I asked all the same questions and they approved me with no co-signer, no job and no offer letter!

They just wanted proof that I have money in the bank!

I was approved the next day and told that move-in would be 15 June.

I said, Yeshu, You already know that I have to be out of this house on the 14th, so I ain’t tryna pay storage…I called the complex again on the morning of the 14th and they said, you know what, come on through at five this evening and we’ll give you the keys!

Dj Khaled I Got The Keys GIF

IF you are being Led (being still and hearing the Voice of The Divine in your heart), may I ask that you continue to be still and move forward only as you are Led? May I encourage you to allow no earthly being to deter you in any way?

The Divine has you!

You can rest…trust…and see the plan come togethAH in a way that we can’t even begin to ask, dream or think!

Common Day Hero: I AM so grateful for friendships that have continued to deepen through the years. Friendships that have grown in authenticity; unafraid to face the difficult and awkward…embracing the freedom to simply be whether we agree or not because we understand that love has no prerequisites. Novi, I dedicate this post to you.


It seems society (worldwide) actually encourages/enjoys pushing play. Messages all around us have our minds racing literally minute. And some of our minds start racing when we finally fall into bed at the end of an already long day!

Whatever we title it – play, perform, run – going non-stop is praised and glorified. Some of us are on the go because our work demands it and we fear switching careers or speaking up. Some of us say we’d like to see change and we want to be a part of change. Do we want to lead or help cultivate the much-needed change?

The accolades of other humans isn’t my personal goal anymore, so I’m pressing pause on the regular. Not everyone around me likes or understands the “pauses” and that is alright with me! I know that pressing pause is necessary for me to stay healthy.

For too long, I was running…on fumes. Taking care of everyone else around me…being in tune to the thoughts and words and requirements of others, but not my own. IF this is true for you, may I share what I’ve found helpful?

Daily: Make time for deep/intentional/focused breathing, meditation, prayer, reading (silently and aloud) affirmations such as: kind words, encouraging phrases and verses, journaling (this includes, notes on your phone or other electronic device!) and physical activity even if it’s just five minutes a day!

Weekly: Make time for reflection. Acknowledge the challenging. Applaud the positives. Make note of all that deserves gratitude. Connect with that inner circle of people; the much-needed village.

Monthly: Make time for at least one weekend day with no must-do activities…a sincere day of leisure with no requirements what-so-ever!

Quarterly: Make time for a weekend away (such as camping, swapping places with a close friend or renting a space – airbnb, bed and breakfast, hotel). Resist the urge to fill the weekend with activities. Give yourself (and your tripmates) time to just sit.

Yearly: Make time for a true vacation (no work!). If time and resources allow, take an international trip every few years to experience more of the beauty around our world.

Each of us are wired differently, but I hope the above is of some help in creating a plan to pause. As we go about our day/week, let’s pay attention to this: are we pressing pause as often as we need just for ourselves?

Common Day Hero: When I think of learning how to love and prioritize one’s self (self-care), regularly choosing moments of solitude, enjoying food that tastes good and is good for our bodies, you come to mind. You are considerate, funny and such a comfort to know. I will always remember your kindness to me and my sister in our younger years; it continues to warm my heart. Lisa, I dedicate this post to you.

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