
Fire…it refines; it burns away the dross…it brings forth pure gold.

Fire does not feel good unless it’s cold or windy…then being seated close (but not too close!) to the fire is comforting for me. I think fire (in a fireplace or pit) is pretty and I’m always ready for s’mores!

I’ve heard difficult times/trials described as “going through fire”. I’ve heard (and sung) many songs about going through fire and the refiner’s fire…sigh. Through the years, nuh-thing, absolutely nuh-th-ing prepared me for the intensity of the various trials that came my way.

Now, in the midst of this most difficult of seasons, I will bend, but I will not break. I will grieve, but I will not give up. I will feel it all, but I will not be run by fear.

A friend recently texted me a verse that I learned in childhood. It came at a time when I really needed to be reassured, “For I, says the Lord, will be a ring of fire all around her and I will be the glory in her midst.” Some translations say “wall of fire”. Found in Verse five of Chapter two from the Book of Zechariah in The Bible.

Seeing the words “I will be a ring of fire all around her” brought so much comfort to me. Reading those words, in this time, I felt seen. I felt safe. I felt protected.

I cannot say that everything will go as you or I plan because that is not how life on our planet works…sigh. Life brings us happy, sad, unexpected, fun, disappointing, heart-breaking, soul-wrenching, joy-filled, ecstatic moments.

In the moments that life brings us delight, may we fully celebrate and enjoy it all. In the deeply painful and overwhelmingly sad moments, may we let ourselves grieve. And in our grieving, may we remember that we are not alone, dear Warriors.

The Divine is a ring of fire around us…a wall of safety and protection.

This season will not be the end of me. I will survive (now I’m singing the song; thank you Diana Ross!), I will live, I will thrive! I will experience goodness, grace and joy. I will move forward because this ring of fire protects and empowers me!

Close your eyes with me. Envision The ring of fire around you…what are you feeling?

Common Day Hero: You are an exemplary mom, a great daughter, sibling, friend and wife. I have been so encouraged by your words, prayers and verses. LilyS, I dedicate this post to you.

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