
I AM thankful for pleasant surprises and unexpected gifts this season.

All gifts don’t come nicely wrapped with a neatly-tied bow on top. Some come in the middle of or with a mess. Learning to receive every good and perfect gift regardless of how it appears to me.

Today, I’m thinking of an unexpected gift ~ a friend encouraging me to begin sharing my story. Just a few years ago, I’d be horrified at the thought. I have been hiding in plain sight for so long, but The Divine has been preparing me for more than I can even claim to know.

Close to three and a half years ago, I began opening my heart to Yesú…I chose to trust, to be real – to show all that’s cracked and broken within me because only through those places can the Light shine through and pierce the darkness.

And that trust…that decision to be real led me to fully surrender. For me, surrender is a daily choice and simply means allowing myself to be held by The Divine. I don’t “hold on” or “hang in there” because I AM held. Firmly, gently and most lovingly held by The One who chooses to never let go, leave or abandon me.

From my choice of surrender, came the opportunity to share a slice of my story…

I AM excited to share with you dear ones…my FIRST podcast interview!

To listen and share with all your friends, copy/click on the link below: 

After listening to the podcast, would you consider these questions:

Is anything currently keeping you from choosing to trust The Divine plan? If yes, with whom can you share this podcast, sincerely process and create mutual accountability?

What really resonated with your heart, today? How can you incorporate that take-away into your life?

Common Day Hero: Regardless of the day or time…I know whenever I need it, you will war for and alongside me. Grateful you’re in my ever-ready to spiritually fight circle! Grateful for the Truth you boldly share and receive. I hold you and your family close, always. MariaJose, I dedicate this post to you.

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