
The beach brings a smile to me, calms my mind, soothes my soul. I close my eyes and listen to the sounds of the ocean.

On my most recent trip to Oahu, I saw my grandmother in a photo taken by a friend. My grandmother is in Heaven, but the shadow in the image looked like my grandmother!

I immediately felt it was her. I received this as a hug from heaven, a reminder/reassurance that this is the season of our ancestors…that great cloud of witnesses.

The strength of those who have gone before us is here now, in a different way. I don’t know how to fully or even accurately express it all. I just sense the shakti (divine energy) of Heaven with me, here…now.

As I closed my eyes and listened to the ocean, I joined along in praise. My heart was so full.

I offered gratitude and praise for: this season, the Divine strength of our ancestors, the opportunity to fully and freely enjoy this trip, the joy of being with family and friends, the delights of nature (beautiful flowers, trees, birds, the ocean, the sand), the coffee shop, the souvenir spots and a variety of eateries all within walking distance!

I AM living the Abundant Life ~ rich in spirit, full of love, singiN/danciN in the Light and Power of Heaven…sent by those who have gone before us!

Common Day Hero: Just a sliver of your story brought tears to me…your strength and courage is empowering. Your humor is a joy! Today, I dedicate this post to you, GodmothAH, Stevie!


This week, while standing amidst a crowd, I suddenly felt overwhelmed with emotion for a woman whom I saw about two rows in front of me. I did not know her; what I knew was that I needed to speak with her.

I had no words; this is typically how it happens with me. I knew the words would come when it was time to speak (not my words and not from me). I knew the words that The Divine had for her would flow through me.

I have no control over what comes; it’s not premeditated. I can’t “plan” the talk; yes, my analytical side has attempted. Want to know what happens every.single.time? None of what I plan comes out…truly; whatever I’ve “prepared” just vanishes!

So, I’ve learned to let the words come spilling out when it’s time and I’m reminded of Verse thirty-eight of Chapter Seven from the Book of St. John in The Holy Bible that states, “…out of your belly will flow rivers of living water”.

And almost always when I share, it’s what the person needs in that moment. I never want to offend/hurt or insult anyone, so before I share, I typically give a disclaimer similar to this: I’m a flawed human, so please take only what resonates with you.

Back to this week, amidst the crowd…I walked up to the stranger, introduced myself and asked if it would be alright to share; she said yes! I shared what was on my heart. We both cried and hugged. It was a powerful moment.

I see moments like these as: Hugs from Heaven or Dap from The Divine…a reminder that EVERY human is seen.

YOU are seen!

YOU are heard!

Heaven knows!

Rest assured dear heart, you are not alone on this journey.

Hugs, strength and Peace to you from a fellow Warrior.

Common Day Hero: I AM grateful beyond words to have met you all those years ago, brave soul. You are such a delight, a force of good, a tenacious and adventurous spirit. Kayla, I dedicate this post to you.

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