
I’ve been thinking about a verse from childhood…Verse twenty-four of Chapter twelve from the Book of St. John in The Holy Bible says, unless a seed/kernel of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain ~

I was completely caught off guard.

I thought we were friends (at the very least)…I believed mutual respect and care were a part of that recipe.

I was stabbed…repeatedly…I’m talkiN verbally, emotionally, mentally, spiritually…

I was then buried alive.

I couldn’t breathe.

In the dark, I kept silent, at first because I was in shock. Then, I began screaming for someone…anyone and slowly the darkness became darker (didn’t think that was possible).

Others joined you, to add more dirt (some of the others who joined in added more shock and pain). I felt so betrayed.

I felt SO much pain…in every way…so.many.tears…my voice so hoarse from screaming…my body exhausted and aching as if I’d physically been beaten…

Time passed…seemed an eternity of darkness, then, suddenly, I broke open and that’s when realization came –

I AM a seed…

I needed to be buried…needed to be placed so far underground that I’d break open. Only then would I be able to fully receive the nourishment only Mother Earth could provide…and one day NEW life would spring forth!

Slowly, but surely, I RISE…what was intended to end me only REBIRTHED me…I AM HERE to stay!

I emerge now…new, healed, transformed and restored because I will bloom wherever I AM planted!

Same to you, dear heart! Push past the dirt…I AM in this with and for you…always!

Common Day Hero: I feel your presence here, with me. Some days, I have no words…just tears. I see you on streets of gold. I see you smiling and laughing…so full of joy. I know that you see, you know, you understand in a way that I don’t…yet. My heart is overflowing with love for you. Today, I dedicate this post to you, Zara Anjali Jane.

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