
One of these things (ok a few!) are not like the others!

My family peach (some of youS know I callS dem Sauerkraut and French Vanilla coz dey German and Cajun descent!); me and my kids brownies (mixed w/all kinds of goodness!); all of us delicious and sweet…just different!

We chose/choose to love each other and we decided we’d be family by choice.

We’s family fahevAH coz the external never determined our internal -this love runs deep coz the blood of humans got NothiN on the water of Amma (Wise Spirit), Yeshu (Kind Jesus) and Abba (Most Loving Heavenly Father)…

Family is comprised of the people we choose to have in our lives (not limited to the people in our lives since or because of birth).

Through the years, I’ve had the joy of being a part of many “families”. Long before being inclusive was cool, I saw inclusion modeled and it helped me genuinely love all people.

Who are the people who dance with you through the delightful, walk with you through all the muck and despite our humanity, love and extend grace on the journey? That’s family!

Family isn’t hiding. Family isn’t covering up or pretending reality isn’t real. Family stands, sits, crawls with us through it all. Family isn’t just here for the fun times.

Family is fahevAH. Family is fah real.

Family is committed to caring, listening, helping and growing together…in every way. When we had no family, Heaven came down and offered all of us the gift of Love, Peace and Belonging.

My heart empathizes with those who have no “blood family” present – sending love, light and strength your way so that you’re able to create a family of your own ~ a mix of your closest people.

Common Day Hero: You continue to come to mind multiple times this month. You had me laughing coz you’d say you couldn’t have time w/God until you put your makeup on…ya still doing that in the afterlife? You are so missed and thought of often here. Grandma Kamp, I dedicate this post to you.


The season…day(!) of cheer is here! 

The definition of cheer that typically comes to my mind is a shout for joy, praise, whoop, hooray. Another definition for cheer is to give comfort or support and that meaning is what I’ve experienced this season…and day.

Friends who haven’t needed questions answered as much as they’ve needed to be here…with me. Friends who have been kind whether they agreed with me or not. Friends who have sent reminders of love via texts, phone calls, dropping off a meal (or two), flowers, sweets, prayers, chai/coffee, hugs…and spending time with me.

I AM so grateful for this form of cheer. I haven’t been able to shout for joy in these moments. I have been able to receive comfort and support. I AM able to fully receive now.

There was a time (in years past) when I didn’t know how to receive. I had grown accustomed to only being the giver. I was raised to be available to all in need. I was raised to not show any sign of doubt, fear, sadness or inadequacy. As I got older, I began facing all the reasons why…that brought many things to the surface and after sorting through, I began choosing transformation.

A piece of choosing transformation was that I began evaluating my relationships. I began noticing the spaces that were truly safe for me and I let myself simply/truly be me.

This season…and especially today, I hope you were/are able to let in the moments of cheer/comfort…to fully receive them. I hope you were able to have a happy Christmas and a merry holiday ~ not because everything is simply splendid, but because in our broken state, we are not alone.

My personal belief is that The Divine is broken with us and simultaneously whole for us…our sustenance, our Peace, our HOPE, especially when things are unexpectedly or dauntingly bleak. As we remember those who have gone on before us and those who have chosen to go on without us, may we find cheer/comfort in The One Who will never leave or discard us and because of Whom, we are forever LOVED and HELD.

Common Day Hero: Our friendship spans more than two decades! We have seen one another through some difficult, happy, unexpected and interesting moments. Always praying for, encouraging and loving one another…grateful for you. Corncurl, I dedicate this to you.


Dear Warrior,

When I say Warrior, I AM including each/all of us.

I know we get weary, long sigh…so weary that we can’t even begin to describe the exhaustion. I am here…in it…with you. It has brought me comfort to know that I’m not alone. I hope you find solace as well knowing that The Divine is a safe place, a shelter, a refuge. And fellow Warriors (seen and unseen) are in the fight with you.

War on, Warrior. You’re not alone, even on the days you feel the loneliest and alone.

Rest up, Warrior. Take care of your heart…daily.

I AM warring alongside you, fellow Warrior. Here…in it, with and always, for you.

Suit up, Warrior. Put the armor on – again. Faith is a shield (I’m raising my fist…as in power to all people!)

Thanks be to God, who gives us Victory! Praise has been (and is) a sanctuary for me.

Victory doesn’t always look the way we (or those around us) believe it will. Victory may be getting out of bed. Victory may be the strength to draw the curtains back and let light in, even if only for a few minutes a day. Victory may be making (or accepting) that difficult phone call. Victory may be skipping dessert during the week (help me LORDT!).

Victory may be consistency in taking the necessary medication. Victory may be drawing boundaries that were never drawn before because of fear, doubt, insecurity or some other negative. Victory may be saying “no” to people who didn’t ever stop to ask; just assumed that you’d always be a “yes” person. Victory may be fill in the blank for what your soul needs now, here…in this very moment.

Victory to you, Warrior! We’re in this together!

Love, Prayers, Peace and Good Vibes ~ Warrior lali

Common Day Hero: As soon as you hear negative news, you immediately reach out to physically be present. You asked and continued to ask when we could meet. Your love is felt. You are not a “fair-weather only” person and I AM grateful. You are a fierce Momma, a loyal wife, an exemplary daughter and daughter-in-law. You are seen and loved. Warrior Tina, I dedicate this post to you.

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