
Personal belief: no human can plan as extravagantly…as detailed…as beautifully surprising as The Divine!

Countless times, I have seen The Divine pull things togethAH like no othAH.

Many of you already know that I was blindsided by divorce and it was finalized in April of this year (on tax day!). What you may not know is that the house sold and I had to be out by 14 June.

I’m a planner, but in this specific situation, I felt that I was to be still and trust. I knew that in Heaven’s perfect time, The Divine would lead me to a place prepared just for me and my kids.

Well-intentioned friends said I lacked good judgment; I continued to repeat what was on my heart “I will be Led to the perfect space prepared just for me and my kids”.

I know everyone around me was just nervous, concerned and worried for me (and really the kids), but what I also know without a shadow of a doubt is that I AM held, so it’s all good!

A specific area came to my heart during the first week of June and I immediately knew that I needed to start looking at places for rent in that area. No job, no promise of a job; just a sign from The Divine!

Although I have no job; I have proceeds from the sale of the house. Well, ain’t nobody tryna hear that! I called wanted pay stubs or an offer letter showing an amount that’s up to three times more than the rent. No one wants cash and cash upfront? What has this world become?!

Anyhow, on Friday, 11 June, I saw a place and although I’d been rejected twenty-nine times already, I asked all the same questions and they approved me with no co-signer, no job and no offer letter!

They just wanted proof that I have money in the bank!

I was approved the next day and told that move-in would be 15 June.

I said, Yeshu, You already know that I have to be out of this house on the 14th, so I ain’t tryna pay storage…I called the complex again on the morning of the 14th and they said, you know what, come on through at five this evening and we’ll give you the keys!

Dj Khaled I Got The Keys GIF

IF you are being Led (being still and hearing the Voice of The Divine in your heart), may I ask that you continue to be still and move forward only as you are Led? May I encourage you to allow no earthly being to deter you in any way?

The Divine has you!

You can rest…trust…and see the plan come togethAH in a way that we can’t even begin to ask, dream or think!

Common Day Hero: I AM so grateful for friendships that have continued to deepen through the years. Friendships that have grown in authenticity; unafraid to face the difficult and awkward…embracing the freedom to simply be whether we agree or not because we understand that love has no prerequisites. Novi, I dedicate this post to you.

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