
As the years pass, I realize life is less than sublime…I don’t know if all of us believed (at some point in our younger years) that life was peaches and cream or rainbows and unicorns or faloodeh (falooda/faluda) and rasgullas!

Life is big and beautiful, gloriously difficult and fun, looming and tiresome…and from my perspective, so worth the living.

Speaking with someone this morning, I realized I have a wish/prayer for us all this month of love…

May you take as many deep and full breaths as you need.

May you light a candle, on the darkest of nights/days, even if it’s the only light in the moment…focus on the flame as you hum, sing, count or sit mesmerized by all that is illuminated by this smallest of lights.

May you walk in the park, or on a trail in the city, or simply down the sidewalk and bask in the sun.

May you find your way to a body of water if water speaks comfort, healing and joy to your soul…whether that be a pond, lake, swimming pool or the ocean herself.

May the sights and sounds of nature bring delight to you…the birds chirping and flying together (for reasons still unclear to me, seeing the V formation delights my soul!) , the squirrels and bunnies’ sudden movements, the beauty of the trees, the movement made by the wind…

May you be gently reminded of how much you’re valued, wanted…and needed here.

May you hug and hold yourself if no one is present to physically hold you now. The experts say we need eight hugs to survive and twelve to thrive…daily!

May words of affirmation and encouragement rise up through lyrics, verses, cards, comedy, your circle as well as pleasantly surprising and unexpected sources.

May there be moments of wonder and awe and…sheer delight and pure joy.

May dreams be awakened within you…vivid and colorful and carefree…may visions continue to come to you and fuel your HOPE (Heavenly Oxygen Permeating Earth).

May you find grounding techniques helpful.

May you touch five different things…various fabrics, papers, paint or other liquids…and may you fully feel them…the texture, the way it feels on your fingertips, the way it feels to hold…

May you look intently at four things and be comforted…maybe see some things never seen before.

May you listen to three different sounds and be soothed, encouraged, consoled, have creativity spark…maybe close your eyes to concentrate on the sounds.

May you smell two different scents and immerse yourself in the aroma…and where it takes you.

May you taste one sweet or savory item of your choice (or both sweet and salty!) and give yourself the freedom to truly relish it.

May you find comfort and courage and strength in all the above.

May you know that strength is found in letting our tears freely flow down our face…and body, in laughing till our sides hurt, in smiling at strangers as we pass, in sitting in the silence, in doodling, in dancing, in drawing, in yoga, in looking in the mirror and offering love to ourselves even if only through our eyes (words if you choose and of your choosing), in Pilates, in speaking with friends, in sharing with support groups and therapists and in so many more ways than I can even begin to list.

Fortitude to you…to us all, as we navigate what’s new and different and difficult/challenging.

Wisdom to us for/on this journey and always…

Grace upon grace.

Common Day Hero: College, the newness of things, the pain of the past, life in general…for all of it, I dedicate this post to you, Emma R. You are held, always…in the warmest of thoughts and most positive energy and by our ancestors whose strength and resilience flows through your veins, empowering and propelling you forward. Be bold and brave as you are evolving and ever-becoming…a beautiful butterfly.


The Aramaic and the Septuagint version of Verse Five of Chapter Twenty-Four of the Book of Proverbs in The Bible reads “It’s better to be wise than to be physically strong.” 

Wisdom is said to be the quality of having as well as applying experience, knowledge, and good judgment. Proverbs says Wisdom is worth more than silver, more precious than rubies and brings more profit than gold!

I’ve been curious and filled with wonder from as early as I can remember…and always on a path seeking Wisdom. 

At specific times in my life, I have asked for Divine Wisdom; I’m aware that I need it every day. Some moments have just weighed heavier and left me feeling like I needed it more. This week was one of those.

Death, sickness, isolation and pain have touched so many of us, and not just because Covid-19 is in our midst. I’ve sat with, spoken with and texted many who were in deep pain. Others have sat with and spoken with me during my heart-breaking moments as well.

I felt helpless. I felt overwhelmed. I felt unsafe. With trembling and a little nervousness, I made difficult decisions, that seemed rushed. sigh. I made the decisions; nonetheless and walked away feeling…a mixed bag of emotions. Then, when it was time to call it a night, I felt the Presence of Wisdom.

Wisdom came in saying, you’ve done all you knew to do. In the difficult moments, you did your best and always, you followed the impressions of the Divine on your heart…and that is all. That is everything.

Physical strength wanes and is limited. Wisdom flows freely to all who will receive. In a world that prizes the external, may we seek Wisdom.

Have we sought the Voice of Wisdom (through being still, through the wise ones around us, through the wise who have gone on before, through Scripture)? Will we choose Wisdom over physical strength? 

Common Day Hero: When I think of Wisdom, I envision a strong, kind woman…like you! Your prayers are the reason for an abundance of comfort, protection and favor in many lives, mine included. CindyH, I dedicate this post to you.

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