
Another year on this planet…another trip around the sun…another birthVersary…another celebration this week!

I AM offering praises for being here – fully present, undeniably free, in Peace and immensely grateful.

This year, I told friends that the only gift I wanted were words…just notes/letters.

What I wanted was to simply hear/see the words that were on the hearts of those whom I hold dear.

Words are powerful. Words create. Words heal. Words encourage. Words empower. Words restore.

This year, I committed to live my best life in every way and am immersing myself fully into all my interests!

What do you want to do with another year on the planet…what is it you want to accomplish in your world/circle?

May I encourage you not to be hindered in your pursuits…in any way?

We need not be “good” by anyone’s standards (including our own inner critic) to pursue our talents, dreams and interests. Just give everything ya like a shot – at least we would’ve risked and gained rather than later regretting.

Not being hindered also allows us to hold our plans loosely…and pivot accordingly.

Here’s to us, as we pursue, life (fully/freely from the heart), Liberty (already granted; we simply choose to receive) and the pursuit of happiness (be unhindered ~ as long as we aren’t hindering or hurting anyone, it’s all good).

Common Day Hero: You bring such delight to everyone around you. The way you take things in, your attention to detail, your knowledge, your irresistible smile, your contagious laugh and your kindness touch my life in more ways than you may know. LuGa, I dedicate this post to you.


Over a decade (or more) ago, I began getting a word for the year. I didn’t ask for it…every year, on the last day of the year, slightly past midnight, a word would come sit with me.

Uninvited but determined…slowly, I’d sigh and accept the word. Not sure why, but I can’t recall ever being excited in the moment I initially receive the word!

In November of twenty nineteen, a word came to me, suddenly, seemingly out of the blue, yet, so strong…why this early? Why now? I heard in my heart that it was my word for twenty-twenty. I made note of it. The word was momentum.

Yes, I hear ya laughing…momentum?! Considering the year we’ve all just had…worldwide! sigh. I believe The Divine shut down the world with a pandemic to get me moving in the direction of my dreams. 

I AM grateful for Covid. It has brought so much good and simultaneously much yuck to the surface that may otherwise never have been allowed space in the Light. sigh.

It has always been (and is) a great joy for me to see others fulfilling/living in their dreams. I didn’t realize though that I went into hiding and pushed my own dreams aside…many moons ago. This pandemic brought to life some of my dreams. Here are the happenings:

January 2020 – committed to a conscious entrepreneur group – learn more and join us ShiftCo

February 2020 – started this blog (a work in progress)

March 2020 – the kids began at-home learning; I was (and am) so glad to have the kids home! I know their excitement didn’t match mine from day one, but now they’re glad too!

April 2020 – started a You Tube channel (work in progress fa sho!)

May 2020 – started MissEdit (a proofreading and editing business)

June 2020 – began exploring additional business ideas with friends

July 2020 – booked my first podcast!

November 2020 – my first podcast went live – listen here!

I gained momentum both personally and professionally. Twenty twenty brought great joy, some unexpected and deep pain as well as growth. As I reflect, I’m asking myself these questions:

What is working now because of last year’s happenings? What was hurtful or unexpected and will require more reflection, heart-work/therapy? What three items am I most grateful for from last year? What am I looking forward to/working towards this new year…spiritually, emotionally, physically, relationally?

Common Day Hero: You are generous, kind, a friend in need and a great journalist! Your strength is seen in the numerous ways you continue to rise…like a phoenix. Julie, I dedicate this post to you.


A new year is upon us! HAPPY and HEALTHY 2021 dear ones!

Every year, I find it difficult to believe that another year has flown by…already?!

I’ve been a “words” person for as long as I can remember! My word is my bond. Words carry so much weight for me. When given the time to process, I AM careful with my words. My heart is to only say words from a place of love and kindness.

When not given the time to process, I’ve said words that were hurtful to others. Words I’d like to erase. sigh. As much as is possible (when the parties have made themselves available), I have apologized for negative words.

At times, my words have been misunderstood. I haven’t always accurately stated a true reflection of my heart and haven’t always been given the chance to clear up misunderstandings. I’ve reconciled those within myself.

How many of us have felt the cut…the sting…the blow of hurtful words? I guess all of us. sigh. How many of us have felt empowered, uplifted and rejuvenated by encouraging words? I trust all of us!

wordS…powerful, inspiring, motivating…crushing…if we take the “S” and put it up front, we have Sword. I personally believe Truth is our sword.

Sometimes, circumstances cause our vision to become blurred. Sometimes, we are quick to doubt the Truth and believe lies. Sometimes, we grow weary and our strength is depleted.

If we are sad, overwhelmed, disappointed, angry or fill in the blank, may we let in the Light and Love of those around us. May we let the Truth be spoken and sung over/for us, so Truth alone takes root in us.

Dear fellow Warrior, let’s raise our Swords in unison…especially for those of us who have no strength to lift ours in this moment. Let’s put our arms around and under each other; let’s commit to support one another with love and grace. Let’s commit to kind words, gentle/affirming actions and silence as needed…and always, let’s raise our swords on behalf of our collective/total healing and health.

As we step into the new year, may we be empowered by Truth…to process each day, to fully face tomorrow and always to keep our heads held up high because even on the most difficult days, this is the Truth:

I AM who I AM says I AM…and so are you!

Truth comes through the words of The Divine (now and always)…the words of those committed to carrying/walking with me through difficult moments…the words of countless songs, stories and prayers.

Through my tears, I choose to let Truth wash over me, cover me, fill me…and I raise my sword. Full of gratitude for the fellow Warriors alongside me, especially in this season.

Common Day Hero: You are a Warrior, friend in need, Truth Teller and fierce Mom. Thank you for praying, believing and standing with/for me. NicoleR, I dedicate this post to you.

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