Summertime…fun in the sun!
I AM grateful for the little delights – popsicles, swimming with friends, cold drinks, walks on the beach, ice cream and sandals, to name a few!
There is also a sadness this summer. I never knew there’d come a summer that my young kids wouldn’t be with me full time. I cannot begin to express all the emotions surrounding this- yet another cut caused by divorce.
SO many moments we just have no way of preparing for…without warning, the ground beneath us gives way and we have to quickly navigate choppy waters…
What difficult moment/s are you processing this summer?
I AM learning to appreciate every.little.moment. We are not promised anything more than this present moment.
Common Day Hero: The strength of a thousand women before me runs through my veins. You, AmminiAmmachi, were a petite bundle of dynamite. Your faith, your kindness and your courage live on in me and your great-granddaughter. Today, I dedicate this post to you.