
Synchronicity is defined as the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.

Have you ever had a thought that you did not share with a single soul? Later, someone texts that same thought or you see it on a billboard or it pops up on your social media.

It was a thought! That, my friends, is synchronicity!

Has a song just come spilling out – an old song from way back? When you get in the elevator, someone is humming that same tune. Ya turn your laptop on and when you open a search, the lyrics are on your screen!

Random? I believe every.single.detail is full of purpose. My personal definition of random is Divinely purposed.

For me, the Divine is reiterating the message…allowing me to slowly reach a point of acceptance whether it be negative or positive news.

It’s confirmation…affirmation…reassurance…and rejuvenating, especially on the days I feel UNseen.

The Divine is forever aligning the stars on our behalf. 

Sometimes we have difficulty believing it…our humanity gets in the way because we can’t see what’s for our best.

Would you commit to start looking…to begin connecting the dots…to see the message/s?

The Divine is for you!

Common Day Hero: Gauthami, a friend in need is a friend in deed. The way you step in anytime crisis hits has been such a source of comfort and strength. I AM grateful for you. Today, I dedicate this post to you.

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