
I’ve blogged about this before, but it keeps coming up so I’m “talkiN” about it again!

Driven…relentless.  X…Y and Z must happen at any cost. For me, the word ‘driven’ brings up an image of not taking care of one’s self because what’s priority is m-a-k-i-n-g things happen.

I choose to be Led.

Led, for me personally, is moving forward from a place of worship…rest…Peace.

As I AM led, I move into spaces that I know in my core are best.

Any work completed from here is always most fruitful/productive and truly beneficial for me and those around me.

I don’t hustle or grind. I move forward according to the impressions of Heaven on my heart…as I AM led.

I remind myself to stay here, in this calm space…in my heart because so many external factors…voices/noise say otherwise, but I know I’m the healthiest and favorite version of myself when I AM Led.

My fellow humans, friends, Warriors ~ in a world (religious world included) that is loud…a world that is screaming for something, at every turn, despite the fact that you’re already exhausted beyond expression, running on fumes and many times on the floor, bleeding out…may I encourage you to pause? To…

Be still.

Hear the Whisper.

Choose to be Led.

Together, may we be Led so that we can then lead and bring others along, from this healthy space.

Being Led has brought so much Freedom, Peace and Joy to me.

As you consider all this, what is one item that need not take up space on your plate any longer – in your personal, professional or spiritual circle, emotionally, mentally?

Common Day Hero: LuMaN, I felt your presence this past weekend and saw you even though you were physically nowhere near me…tears came rolling down my face at the thought of you. I really wanted to hug you; felt so strongly that you just needed to be held. I sent/send you love. Hope you are comforted and reassured every time Love and Light is sent your way. You are so dear to me. Today, I dedicate this post to you.

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