
It is said that over $24 billion was spent in the United States on Valentine’s Day, this week!

In searching for the origin of this “day of love”, there are many stories concerning St. Valentine. The one that I heard the most (through the years) was that St. Valentine was martyred for his faith, but I’m not sure how that morphed into spending money on romantic relationships!

The original intent re: celebrating love may have been good, but seems it’s turned into another commercialized frenzy and simply got people worldwide spending more money. sigh.

The beauty of true love is choice!

Regardless, of what ya choose each year for Valentine’s, here’s my wish for you – whether you have a Valentine or not, may you know in your very core that you are so deeply loved and held by The Divine…always.

I’m reminded of a Scripture – Verse three of Chapter thirty-one in the Book of Jeremiah in the Holy Bible. It says, I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with lovingkindness.

If you’re married, in a romantic relationship or situationShip or not be assured, you are loved with an everlasting, eternal, nevAH-evAH-ending, forever and always kind of love by Heaven. Maybe not by a human, but you are always loved by Heaven.

You Are So Deeply Loved by The Divine…AlwayS!

Common Day Hero: Grateful beyond words to call you my childhood friend. You so readily welcomed me back into your life and I am so glad we reconnected so deeply at a heart-level.  You’re a living Testament of the Kindness and Love of Yeshu, dear heart! I see it! ReneeG, today, I dedicate this post to you.

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