
Anytime something/one new is born, there is pain.

We typically may not think of that, but it seems to hold true that from pain comes purpose…from experience comes empathy and/or extra understanding…from turmoil come opportunities for transformation…

May we fully mourn and lament the loss of what we thought might have been…what ended unexpectedly…what blindsided us because only when we release are we free to receive.

When we release the past, we free ourselves to receive the present (pun intended – present/gift).

We can then celebrate the birth of new things!

We can live in child-like awe and wonder!

We can open ourselves up to fully enjoy all the pleasant surprises Heaven sends our way!

What is being birthed in our lives now…or waiting to be birthed once we mourn, lament and release?

What/whom do we need to release to make room for the new?

Common Day Hero: I don’t know your personal story. What I know is that you come from a family full of faith and lots of fun. The way you love and serve is seen. Today, I dedicate this post to you, Aunty Nazma.


Have there been moments when you’ve wished you had full say over the timeline of your life…and the lives around you?

Many moments have been spent analyzing and mulling over the happenings of my life, those of my friends, acquaintances…and even some people whom I haven’t ever met, just heard their stories.

My personal belief is that when situations beyond human control occur, The Loving, Sovereign, Divine One is ever-moving and unfolding a plan…sometimes, beyond comprehension.

I don’t have to like or understand it. It is alright for me to ponder and question. I know I’m safe to express all my thoughts and feelings. Humans may not always be able to handle it. Heaven can.

I always recommend intensives/seminars/workshops designed for emotional/mental/spiritual healing and self-improvement. I recommend professional help/therapy. I recommend support groups. I recommend nights out with friends. I recommend prayer.

I’ve benefited (and still do) from all of the aforementioned and hope it benefits others as well.

Sometimes, in quiet moments…alone, I fill the air with crying, cussing, calling on Angels, Saints and all of Heaven to cradle, console and rescue me.

Sometimes, I call or text friends who are emotionally/mentally/spiritually safe for me.

Sometimes, I read, dance, meditate, draw, pray, write, play with my cats…ok, let’s stop that long list here!

Maybe one more…sometimes, I scream, sing, say all the Scriptures and Truth statements I can recall.

A few Truth statements are:

I AM cared for, by Heaven…always.

My best is always at the core of Heaven’s plan for me.

What if this situation is not the death of me, but a reBirth?

What if pure joy can be found in the midst of allowing myself to fully face and feel deep sadness?

Greater is The One within me than the one in the world.

I will lie down and sleep in Peace because the Lord keeps me safe.

I AM a miracle!

What helps you in moments of disappointment, exhaustion, anger or feeling overwhelmed?

What helps you to release the weight/stress that life brings (sometimes, unexpectedly)?

What helps you in moments of sadness or grief on your timeline?

Common Day Hero: You are a compassionate daughter, thoughtful sibling, fun aunt, dedicated wife and an incredibly attentive and phenomenal Mom. Glad to know you! Rasheeda, I dedicate this post to you.


My parents are from India (dots not feathers – love to all my feather friends!).

I’m a first generation American (born in Tennessee). Love both countries something fierce, but then I love and am fascinated by all people/places!

Through the years, what it means to be “American” has taken on so many forms/meanings.

Regardless of nationality, we are all fellow citizens of Earth!

What I hope my kids see is: all of us recognizing the beauty in each and every culture, honoring the intrinsic worth and dignity of each human and increasing our circle to truly be inclusive of everyone…especially those different from us (in all the ways).

What does being American mean to you and your family?

Common Day Hero: Your kindness and generosity are seen and appreciated. Thank you for including me, like family, from day one. Today, I dedicate this post to you, Rickey and Keia.


For as long as I can remember, I’ve been blessed (at times feels like a curse) with the gift of seeing visions. For me, it’s as if someone has turned the TV on and I see scenes/clips…

Visions occur when awake. Dreams occur when asleep.

I see prophetic dreams as well. Prophetic dreams are dreams showing bits and pieces of the future. Sometimes with dreams and visions, what I see doesn’t play out in the exact way I saw/thought.

That is alright. Always, we are free to receive or reject what is seen. Always, I remain open to Heaven’s interpretations and unfolding of it all.

Typically, I say, I fully receive every good and perfect gift that Heaven is bringing/sending my way. Always, I sit with it. I don’t dismiss or ignore it. I sit and let it be…most times, I share with my inner circle.

They give feedback/critique; they pray; they sit with me. Grateful for my inner circle.

My visions don’t always connect or make logical sense. That is alright.

I decided some time ago that although I AM logical and a deep thinker, I choose to surrender. My logic bows to The Divine because I believe that I can’t see/understand/begin to wrap my mind around it all.

I AM content – to not know…to see visions and dreams…to feel…to receive messages from ALL of Heaven – and so are you, dear one, IF you want.

Whether you see dreams or visions; whether you sense things; whether you feel energy – all is well. The Divine is ever speaking; for some, it’s always in the foreground. For others, we have to go on a scavenger hunt of sorts.

Courage and fortitude to you dear one.

Common Day Hero: You bring so many laughs and thoughts any time I’m with you. May you always hear the Voices of Heaven and keep that boldness to follow what you hear. Your heart is important. Tre and Reagan, today, I dedicate this post to you.


Graduation season…transition, endings, change, new beginnings…I was invited to a few ceremonies and parties…always a reminder (for me) that life is zooming by faster than we realize, at times.

Attending the grad ceremonies and parties had me wondering…are we only focused on external accomplishments? Ambition, goals and all the external achievements are good; however, are we also prioritizing emotional/spiritual inner healing and growth?

Are we taking time to focus on inner healing, create emotional/spiritual goals and count internal health and growth among our achievements and celebrate those milestones?

Consider clocking these as milestones:

Making it one day, one week, one month, one year without calling/texting/sexting/emailing/hanging out with/hookingUP with someone who is unhealthy/damaging/disrespectful

Not being manipulated, gaslit, controlled, run over/by others (regardless of whether theyS blood)

Not allowing our energy or time to be robbed in any way by those who don’t show value for us

No longer needing to “prove” anything to ANYone (being and doing only what’s on our hearts)

Responding versus reacting (recently someone said some unkind things intended to cut/hurt me; I remained silent. I knew there was no need for words with someone hell-bent on having the last word).

Remaining silent rather than wasting our energy on those who don’t care for us

Living fully/freely from the heart (not from fear or societal, familial obligations/expectations or other unhealthy places and patterns)

AND re: all the above – redirecting ourselves as often as we need and keeping ourselves accountable to trustworthy/safe individuals

How can we prioritize our emotional/spiritual/mental health today?

Which emotional/spiritual/mental growth and milestones can we celebrate this week?

Grace upon grace to you dear ones; I’m here on the journey with you and always cheering for you!

Common Day Hero: You are respectful, funny, gorgeous and kind. May you always be Led (in every facet of life) by the impressions/dreams/visions on your heart.  Your heart counts! Madelyn, grateful for you, here for you always and today, I dedicate this post to you.


Difficult to believe that a year has passed already…sigh, the first year postDivorce is…interesting. The kids and I have now moved from an apartment to a house.

Excited about all the things we are accustomed to in this first world – more privacy, more bathrooms, a garage, back in the school district that the kids never wanted to leave, the ability to host gatherings because of more space -SO much more space!

We boiled milk ~ a sign of belief that The Divine holds us, is taking care of us from a place of abundance…our cup runs over (in every sense!) and an offering of gratitude for all that we have. We sang, prayed, danced, burned incense and said Scriptures of Protection, Provision and Peace in our new space!

Whether you are physically moving to a new space or not, what about shifting from old thinking that no longer serves our highest and best? Which old/familiar patterns hinder the Promises of Freedom, Love and Abundant Life from flowing freely in your life?

Once recognized, let’s take time to reflect and re-evaluate everything.

Then reshuffle as necessary: people, places, priorities, so we can relocate/renew our mind and spirit.

And then, redeem the time we’ve been granted.

Time is our greatest gift; may we choose wisely where and with whom we spend it to make the most of it!

Common Day Hero: You have continued to move forward with strength and grace even when life threw so much at you. May the force of Heaven, the determination of our ancestors and the light in your son’s eyes fuel your energy as you live your most authentic life now. Neethu, I love you and dedicate this post to you.



“The descendants of a common ancestor” is one of the meanings the dictionary lists.

In addition to “blood”, I know “family” to be the people with whom I choose to keep healthy bonds, commitments and traditions regardless of background, heritage, ethnicity, etc.

There are people in my life whom I consider family; they aren’t “blood” and, at times, they’ve been more present in all the ways when blood couldn’t or chose not to be.

There have been those whom I became so attached to, but they didn’t share the same vibes or sentiments. That’s extremely painful…and quite a lesson – EverY time!

My nature is such that I love ALL people (thanks to my Dad) and most animals (thanks to my Mom!).

Learning and reLearning healthy boundaries…sigh. Finally accepting behaviors instead of just listening to words without supporting evidence/matching behavior.

Loving fully and freely – first myself, so that I can then from a healthy place love others well.

I AM loving myself first.

I AM loving myself fully and freely ~ the way The Divine loves me.

I AM taking care of myself in ALL the ways.

Are you in a place that feels like repeat? It is alright.

Grace upon grace to you fellow Warrior!

Are you prioritizing your own health ~ spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally, relationally, financially?

If not, how can you take one step today towards healing? Remember, small steps towards big change!

Common Day Hero: I see your bold, brave heart shining through…always. You are a Warrior of a Woman, a devoted wife, a MARVELous Mom and so much more! You are seen…maybe not always by humans, but for shO by Heaven! Today, I dedicate this post to you, dear Kena.


I live in the Shadow of The Almighty.

There is shade, safety and solace in the Shadow of The Almighty.

In my shadow, there is work that needs to be done. Sometimes things are hidden in the shadows…we are all the better for doing shadow work.

Shadow work is said to be work that reveals the parts of ourselves that we hide/repress. The hiding may be because of trauma, conditioning, upbringing, environment or other variables.

Sometimes we don’t like parts of ourselves because of familial, societal, cultural norms or the words of those whom we have elevated as “better” than us.

At times, we may feel pressure/weight, from the well-intentioned, but let us not be run by it!

Speaking of not being run by others…I have exciting news coming soon! How soon? Maybe not soon enough for our current culture but soon!

What specifically is in the shadows for you now?

Once named, we can begin shadow work so we can be our most authentic/free selves!

Let’s commit to working towards ALL that needs to be faced, sorted, healed…ever on the journey with you – together we shine!

Common Day Hero: Your heart was stomped on beyond recognition. I feel it. You survived nights that at times, may have seemed insurmountable. Grateful you opened your heart up to true love and now…her Light shines on, through you. Grieving this deep loss alongside you. Even in these darkest of times, your inextinguishable Light; your radiant smile, your kind heart are seen and felt. I AM grateful. Today, Uncle Farouk, I dedicate this post to you.


We need not figure anything out…ever…really…the world (including the religious world) has us believing that we must first figure it out -whatever “it” is.

And only once “it” has been figured out, we can move forward.

If we have figured it all out, is any faith required on the journey?

I live by/in faith. I do not live by the seen/visible. Thank you to my parents.

Rest, dear heart.

Nothing to figure; embrace faith so all can be faced.

Here, alongside you on the journey…always.

Common Day Hero: You are bold, tenacious and kind. May every endeavor prosper as your soul and mind prosper. May the kindness you extend return to you a hundred fold always. PaulaB, I dedicate this post to you.


My personal belief is that we each have free will.

Free will is said to be the ability/power to act as one wills, desires or wants.

May we use our free will to fully embrace Heaven’s love for ourselves and extend it to others.

May we use our free will for true justice and kindness.

May we use our free will for the betterment of our circle…community…world.

May we wield our free will for good…always, for good.

Common Day Hero: You are brilliance, gentle strength and grace under fire, Uncle Jay. You are warmth,  kindness and a powerhouse in prayer, AuntyBlanca. Together you are a force for good. You model individuality, equality and respect with style. Today, I dedicate this post to you.

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