
I was at a clothing store and saw hopscotch on the floor (literally, right there…in the middle of the store) and it did my heart good.

As soon as I saw it, I smiled, walked right over, hopped my way down and felt downright good about it!

Hopscotch was one of the fun pieces that filled my childhood days.

This life…here, as we know it, St. James says, is like a vapor; gone so quickly. In less than a month, death came to three families I know. I cannot begin to describe the sadness this brings. I’ve cried many tears.

Hopscotch was a reminder to fully embrace the little delights that each day brings…to savor the moments…to keep childlike fun at the forefront.

Find your hopscotch ~ some seemingly small delight that in reality is BIG/good/healing for your heart!

Common Day Hero: A short two weeks ago, at a wedding reception, you looked at me and said, why isn’t anyone dancing? I said, Aunty, you have to get out there and show them how it’s done. And then, you did! You got out on the dance floor with your eldest son and showed us all how it’s done! From all the stories already being shared, it’s evident that you showed us how it’s done in many areas of life ~ faith, family, fun and a fierce dedication to service; always…a heart of service. Thank you Aunty! As we mourn, grieve and process this deep loss, I remember the words of your son Shaun, Heaven gained a giant! Indeed! Sarojnee (lotus ~ emerging from murky waters, to the surprise of all, with clean petals; rising above!) Devi (goddess) Naidoo (typically Telegu), Warrior turned Angel, I dedicate this post to you.


So, another Easter this past weekend – a reminder of new beginnings, new life, rebirth, restoration, unexpected/pleasant surprises and HOPE (heavenly oxygen permeating earth)!

The truth is that what Heaven has spoken life over…what Heaven has decided will be resurrected, will!

No need to worry about what humans say because if Heaven has spoken, then it is settled.

If you know the Easter story then you know that Friday was excruciating…painful beyond words. The tears, the screaming, the sobbing till voices were lost, the falling asleep from the sheer exhaustion that sadness brought, the shaking, cussing, falling out was all very real.

And then Saturday was silent – eerily so…it may have seemed like we were forgotten…may have smelled like Hell won, may have felt like we were fools…may have looked like we were abandoned…

When ALL the senses have us believing one thAng, iF it ain’t what Heaven said, strength to us to shake it off and stamina to stay the course…and believe that Sunday.is.Coming!

Early Sunday morning, I’m picturing it…the downpour turned to a light drizzle, the clouds started parting, then the Sun went from a soft hello to HEYYYYYY and Humanity witnessed a miracle ~ death, hell and the grave were defeated and Yeshu/Jesus showed up like oh, you were ridiN with me for three years, but couldn’t believe me for three DAYS?!

What Heaven has spoken, promised, declared ~ I’m here; standing on those promises with/for you.

What has Heaven spoken to your heart?

What are you believing for, despite how things appear and what even the well-intentioned say?

What has come to life again (or anew) for you this season/spring?

Common Day Hero: For the laughs, the prayers, the way you take care of your family (and include us!), the way you genuinely follow Yeshu, thank you/shukriya! AuntyGeneva, I dedicate this post to you.


I AM comforted by these words from Psalm Twelve…again.

Verses five through seven of Chapter Twelve in the Book of Psalm in the Holy Bible: But the Lord says, “Now I will arise! I will defend the poor, those who were plundered, the oppressed and the needy who groan for help. I will spring into action to rescue and protect them!”
For every word Yahweh speaks is sure and reliable. His truth is tested, found to be flawless, and ever faithful. It’s as pure as silver refined seven times in a crucible of clay. Lord, you will keep us safe, out of the reach of the wicked.
These verses are a reminder that The Divine has us.
Heaven is always protecting and providing for us.
When I have no strength, no words; the words that are simultaneously Sword and Shield comfort, empower, heal and rejuvenate me.
Common Day Hero: It is always refreshing when The Divine sends affirmation, confirmation, empowerment through another human. Flawed as we are, we recognize and are honored by the flow of Heaven’s current through us. What a delight to meet you AngieM; fellow Warrior, kindred spirit, artistic earthAngel, I dedicate this post to you.


The beach brings a smile to me, calms my mind, soothes my soul. I close my eyes and listen to the sounds of the ocean.

On my most recent trip to Oahu, I saw my grandmother in a photo taken by a friend. My grandmother is in Heaven, but the shadow in the image looked like my grandmother!

I immediately felt it was her. I received this as a hug from heaven, a reminder/reassurance that this is the season of our ancestors…that great cloud of witnesses.

The strength of those who have gone before us is here now, in a different way. I don’t know how to fully or even accurately express it all. I just sense the shakti (divine energy) of Heaven with me, here…now.

As I closed my eyes and listened to the ocean, I joined along in praise. My heart was so full.

I offered gratitude and praise for: this season, the Divine strength of our ancestors, the opportunity to fully and freely enjoy this trip, the joy of being with family and friends, the delights of nature (beautiful flowers, trees, birds, the ocean, the sand), the coffee shop, the souvenir spots and a variety of eateries all within walking distance!

I AM living the Abundant Life ~ rich in spirit, full of love, singiN/danciN in the Light and Power of Heaven…sent by those who have gone before us!

Common Day Hero: Just a sliver of your story brought tears to me…your strength and courage is empowering. Your humor is a joy! Today, I dedicate this post to you, GodmothAH, Stevie!


My son turned THIRTEEN this week!

We all know this happens – kids grow with time, but still I wonder, how has so much time flown by already? He is a kind heart, and such a delight, this manChild of mine…ever ready to help and so funny!

He said I would now have to “look up to him”! He is taller than me and most likely will very quickly be much taller than me!

He and his sister are among Heaven’s best gifts to me! I AM so fortunate and thankful to be gifted with them. In happy, sad, delightful or difficult moments, we know we have each other.

I shared the Scripture that was on my heart for him, this birthday…words I learned as a young child. These words are found in the Fourth verse of the Fourth Chapter of the Book of 1 John in the Holy Bible. It states, You can be certain that you belong to God and have conquered them (evil forces), for the One who is living in you is far greater than the one who is in the world.

It’s a reminder that no matter what comes against us, we will overcome. We will be alright. We have the Divine on our side and can defeat darkness.

The kids and I are enjoying and wrestling through this journey…it’s both-and…still…always. Here for it all.

Hope you’re fully embracing all the moments in and with your village. Light and Love to you!

Common Day Hero: You are a Light of Heaven to all whom you meet. I’m grateful to have been seated near you, so we could begin a friendship. EmilyP, I dedicate this post to you.


How many times have we traveled a path without realizing what was so close…within reach even, but just barely out of view?

I traveled past a shopping center for almost five months without ever seeing what was in “plain sight” – a lovely rickshaw! Yes, a rickshaw!

It’s parked in front of a local bicycle shop every day during business hours. And EVERY day for months, I traveled past it, almost on a daily basis and missed it!

I happened to be coming out of the shop next door one day and was so surprised at the sight!

I can’t begin to express my joy at this reminder of home. It was such a delight riding a rickshaw as a kid ~ to the market, to see a friend, just because my sister wanted to ride!

What (or who) has been in “plain sight” for you but ya only now seeing? Don’t fret – no worries at all here. The timeline is secure because the Divine plan is ever-unfolding.

Everything in its time!

The Divine has us…and every move, every pause, every step is full of purpose.

Common Day Hero: Your work isn’t going unnoticed. The way you diligently serve your family is seen and so appreciated. All that you carry in your heart is felt/known/shared by the Divine. Today, I dedicate this post to you, Aunty Ferida.


Jael (Yah-el)

Yeshu has been preppiN me for a very long time. Still/always preppiN. And I’m still failing…always forward! Still standing on HOPE (heavenly oxygen permeating earth)!
Growing up, I didn’t want to be female because I saw how much freedom males had. Females couldn’t go out past evening. Females had to dress a certain way. Females couldn’t be “loud”. On and on the list went that seemed to be slanted against females.
Therapy, journaling, prayer/meditation, some difficult friendships, books/articles and workshops over the course of time opened the door for me to embrace my feminine side. It looks different for all of us. I AM now so full of joy to be a woman…to see that it doesn’t hinder me in any way. I AM free to be me!
In December, twenty-eighteen, I met a woman and her husband for the first time.
As soon as I met them, I saw a vision of a Bible story I’d heard like a hun’ed times, growing up.
I saw the Red Sea parted…I saw Moses (staff in his hand) and both hands raised. I said to the couple, raise your hands in victory now (not literally, but ya know!) because just like The Divine parted the Red Sea, you will see and experience something similar. The Divine will part the Red Sea on your behalf.
Sidebar: when I’m sharing a word, feeling, vision or dream with someone, I typically say I’m a flawed human so whatever I see or share, just take what resonates with you. Any vision/dream/words that I share are simply an offering placed on the table for the taking…or not! I’m completely aight with it because I whole-heartedly believe the beauty of love is choice!
And I also don’t always see or feel things exactly as they will happen. Sometimes, I don’t accurately express what I see or feel. So, I practice the same. When someone shares, I make note of the whole piece, but I immediately take what resonates and set the rest aside (for a later time).
In August, twenty nineteen, we saw each other again at a party. As soon as we hugged, she said, you are Jael (Yah-el)! A flash back to childhood days in Sunday School. I said, yeah, I know the story. I asked if she’d be alright exchanging phone numbers and staying connected. She said sure!
As soon as I shared the vision that day, she hugged me and we cried together. I’m an empath. I could feel the weight of her pain. She shared that she had recently experienced a deep loss. That was it. We went our separate ways. Anytime she came to mind, I’d say a prayer. Sometimes, I’d just close my eyes and send love her way.
That day, soon as I got home, I wrote up a little modern-day, lali-version of the story. I thought I have a message hopefully empowering if I’m ever asked to speak! Just had the honor of sharing it this week!
I AM Jael.
The Hebrew pronunciation of the name is Yaa-el/Yah-el.
In Hebrew, Jael means mountain goat. Mountain goats live in hostile environments; they are agile, sure-footed, methodical climbers. It is said they can scale twelve feet in one jump!
Here’s the story: Well, first, I say, read it fa yaself to verify erything! It’s in the fourth chapter of the Book of Judges in the Holy Bible. Again, this the lali version!
A woman, Deborah, was a judge, prophetess, wife and mother. She was wise and the neighbors knew it! So, they (the people of Israel) came to her to present their “cases” and she helped resolve them.
One day, she sent for Barak to come see her. He came ova and she asked him, didn’t The Divine tell you to rally up yo’ troops and meet at Mount Tabor? And didn’t The Divine also say that you would “get” Sisera, the captain of the opposing army?
Barak said, gurrl, if you go, I’ll go. If you ain’t goin’ then I fa sho’ ain’t goin’. Deborah said, oh Imma go witchu, but victory gonna come to our people through a WomaN (whoop!whoop!)
Barak said, yah, cool, whateva, Imma go witchu! I reallY like that Barak esteemed Deborah; he saw her as an equal. So, they went and the next day and Deborah tol’ him THIS is the DAY when the enemy will be given to you by The LordT! So, Barak and ’em met Sisera and ’em and The Bible say, Barak got all of Sisera’s army…like all of dem…except Sisera.
Sisera got so confused and afraid that he started runnin’ away. I keep thinkin’ with ALL those horses, you gonna take off runnin’? Aight. I don’t know. I wasn’t there; maybe the horses got spooked too!
So, Sisera ran up to Jael’s tent. Only reason he felt like he could go to that tent was prolly coz her huZband (Heber) was friendly with Jabin, the King.
Jael went out to greet Sisera. She said, don’t be skeered. Come inside; get out of the heat.
The enemy came in all smug. He asked for water, but we (Easterners don’t give water to a general). She offered him milk. He drank, he probably ate too and then he thought he would take a nap.
Jael used that opportunity to drive a tent peg through his skull and Victory came to Israel through the hands of a woman that day! Jael may have been shaking; she may have had to take some deep/full breaths; she may have screamed into a pillow.
What we know is that she stepped in and did what needed to be done in the moment. Destiny fulfilled!
During this month of celebrating International Women’s Day, are there any ways we can embrace womanhood more? Tap into the Divine feminine side of ourselves more? Stand in our Power more?
What has Heaven placed on your heart that has you afraid because it’s an “uncommon” path? What has you thinking “I’m just a woman” or “that can’t be for me”?
Truth statements help me remember how powerful I AM…whether I feel it or not, I declare it! May you receive strength from it as well. Pick up ya tent peg (Truth) and slay the enemy (lies in ya mind).
I AM a Woman! I AM a Warrior! I AM a Winner!
Courage to you dear heart; may this be the month you step into all that the Divine has for you!
Here for and with you!
Common Day Hero: I don’t know your whole story. I know you have overcome much. I see your beauty, strength and tenacity; it fuels mine. I AM glad you’re in my life. AuntYasmin, I dedicate this post to you.


Many of us don’t want to be a burden in any way, so we settle. In relationships, careers, food (especially when placing an order), zip codes, vehicles, etc…we settle.

At times, when we know in our hearts that we need not speak, we don’t keep quiet. And when we know we need to speak, we remain silent.

I like my eggs not hard, but not runny and quite a few times others have become upset that I wouldn’t just go with the hard or runny.

Today, I’m here to tell you that you are FREE to take as long as you need to place your order. You are free to change up the specifications of your order to your liking, regardless…and that applies to ALL areas of life!

You are free to be firm and kind. It is possible. I’ve accommodated for too long, “gone along with” and entertained what hasn’t been good for my soul for far too long. Not.any.more!

What (or whom) are you creating distance from so that you can simultaneously have space to hold the people and things essential to your healing and growth?

It is alright to outgrow relationships and familiar spaces for your own evolution…and a revolution!

Common Day Hero: She isn’t known by many because she intentionally keeps a low profile. She works diligently to care well for her family/home. She is Alice, I dedicate this to you.


This week, my father celebrated his sixth birthday in the afterlife…still so surreal; sigh. Will it always seem this…strange?

I miss him so terribly much. Wish I could hug him. Wish I could see his face here, physically. Wish I could tell him ALL the things I appreciate about him.

I know he’s having the time of his life, celebrating it up with all his family and friends in Heaven. He is one of the reasons I carry so much faith and love. He modeled loving all people. He was a strong man of faith.

His methods weren’t the greatest, but he instilled so much Scripture into my life from a very young age (three!) and those verses continue to guide, comfort and empower me…daily!

He was brilliant, an acute observer, quick-tempered, grateful for all he had and readily asked for and extended forgiveness.

He was named David. According to The Holy Bible, David was a man after God’s own heart. My dad, flawed like me, was a man after God’s own heart. Wish I could’ve seen that while he was physically here; I would’ve told him.

We represent the very heart of The Divine when we depend on the Power of Heaven, when we return (as often as necessary) to our foundation – the Ultimate Light and Eternal Love which carries us and empowers us to live in grace and forgiveness.

While my dad was here on Earth, our relationship wasn’t close/ideal. I began seeing all the good qualities after he relocated. I see him in dreams and visions; I know he’s close (closer now in some ways)…I know he loves me so much, supports my dreams, can relate to me and is so proud of me…it’s bitter-sweet.

There is no prerequisite to love.

Establish healthy boundaries with those in your life (a secure fence around the property line).

Enjoy (as fully and as best as possible) those who are presently in your life.

Empower yourself (in all the ways you need).

Common Day Hero: Gentle strength, Truth-teller, diligent worker, Man of Faith, witty, so many words to describe you. Every moment Heaven grants with you is a gift. Fazal-Pa, I dedicate this post to you.


It is said that over $24 billion was spent in the United States on Valentine’s Day, this week!

In searching for the origin of this “day of love”, there are many stories concerning St. Valentine. The one that I heard the most (through the years) was that St. Valentine was martyred for his faith, but I’m not sure how that morphed into spending money on romantic relationships!

The original intent re: celebrating love may have been good, but seems it’s turned into another commercialized frenzy and simply got people worldwide spending more money. sigh.

The beauty of true love is choice!

Regardless, of what ya choose each year for Valentine’s, here’s my wish for you – whether you have a Valentine or not, may you know in your very core that you are so deeply loved and held by The Divine…always.

I’m reminded of a Scripture – Verse three of Chapter thirty-one in the Book of Jeremiah in the Holy Bible. It says, I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with lovingkindness.

If you’re married, in a romantic relationship or situationShip or not be assured, you are loved with an everlasting, eternal, nevAH-evAH-ending, forever and always kind of love by Heaven. Maybe not by a human, but you are always loved by Heaven.

You Are So Deeply Loved by The Divine…AlwayS!

Common Day Hero: Grateful beyond words to call you my childhood friend. You so readily welcomed me back into your life and I am so glad we reconnected so deeply at a heart-level.  You’re a living Testament of the Kindness and Love of Yeshu, dear heart! I see it! ReneeG, today, I dedicate this post to you.

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