
DaCovid and DeVyress hit our family and I realized (again) how much I’m grateful for and how much I don’t even think about on a daily basis. Like what, ya say?

Just getting out of bed! Going to the mail box! Going to the store. Enjoying nature. Spending time with loved ones.

Speaking of da Vid…I wish we could be kind to one another in this. As an empath, I’m feeling it all and it is so…heavy.

Vaccine or no vaccine – let love lead us all.

A childhood verse came to mind; Verse Fourteen of Chapter Three in the Book of Colossians (The Bible) states: “And above all these, put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony”.

Such a fitting verse…for many occasions, but it kept coming up for me, now.

May we choose to clothe ourselves with love, even when we don’t understand or agree…for that, my fellow human and friend, is a true sign of love.

What is one way you can show love this week…especially to those whom you disagree with and/or don’t understand?

Common Day Hero: You’re a natural leader; gifted with many talents and skills. People gravitate towards you because you have a genuine/rare quality of placing all who are around you, at ease. May you extend to your own heart the grace you so easily extend to others. You are loved so deeply. Today, I dedicate this post to you, dear Niel.


A new year is upon us! HAPPY and HEALTHY 2021 dear ones!

Every year, I find it difficult to believe that another year has flown by…already?!

I’ve been a “words” person for as long as I can remember! My word is my bond. Words carry so much weight for me. When given the time to process, I AM careful with my words. My heart is to only say words from a place of love and kindness.

When not given the time to process, I’ve said words that were hurtful to others. Words I’d like to erase. sigh. As much as is possible (when the parties have made themselves available), I have apologized for negative words.

At times, my words have been misunderstood. I haven’t always accurately stated a true reflection of my heart and haven’t always been given the chance to clear up misunderstandings. I’ve reconciled those within myself.

How many of us have felt the cut…the sting…the blow of hurtful words? I guess all of us. sigh. How many of us have felt empowered, uplifted and rejuvenated by encouraging words? I trust all of us!

wordS…powerful, inspiring, motivating…crushing…if we take the “S” and put it up front, we have Sword. I personally believe Truth is our sword.

Sometimes, circumstances cause our vision to become blurred. Sometimes, we are quick to doubt the Truth and believe lies. Sometimes, we grow weary and our strength is depleted.

If we are sad, overwhelmed, disappointed, angry or fill in the blank, may we let in the Light and Love of those around us. May we let the Truth be spoken and sung over/for us, so Truth alone takes root in us.

Dear fellow Warrior, let’s raise our Swords in unison…especially for those of us who have no strength to lift ours in this moment. Let’s put our arms around and under each other; let’s commit to support one another with love and grace. Let’s commit to kind words, gentle/affirming actions and silence as needed…and always, let’s raise our swords on behalf of our collective/total healing and health.

As we step into the new year, may we be empowered by Truth…to process each day, to fully face tomorrow and always to keep our heads held up high because even on the most difficult days, this is the Truth:

I AM who I AM says I AM…and so are you!

Truth comes through the words of The Divine (now and always)…the words of those committed to carrying/walking with me through difficult moments…the words of countless songs, stories and prayers.

Through my tears, I choose to let Truth wash over me, cover me, fill me…and I raise my sword. Full of gratitude for the fellow Warriors alongside me, especially in this season.

Common Day Hero: You are a Warrior, friend in need, Truth Teller and fierce Mom. Thank you for praying, believing and standing with/for me. NicoleR, I dedicate this post to you.

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