
DaCovid and DeVyress hit our family and I realized (again) how much I’m grateful for and how much I don’t even think about on a daily basis. Like what, ya say?

Just getting out of bed! Going to the mail box! Going to the store. Enjoying nature. Spending time with loved ones.

Speaking of da Vid…I wish we could be kind to one another in this. As an empath, I’m feeling it all and it is so…heavy.

Vaccine or no vaccine – let love lead us all.

A childhood verse came to mind; Verse Fourteen of Chapter Three in the Book of Colossians (The Bible) states: “And above all these, put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony”.

Such a fitting verse…for many occasions, but it kept coming up for me, now.

May we choose to clothe ourselves with love, even when we don’t understand or agree…for that, my fellow human and friend, is a true sign of love.

What is one way you can show love this week…especially to those whom you disagree with and/or don’t understand?

Common Day Hero: You’re a natural leader; gifted with many talents and skills. People gravitate towards you because you have a genuine/rare quality of placing all who are around you, at ease. May you extend to your own heart the grace you so easily extend to others. You are loved so deeply. Today, I dedicate this post to you, dear Niel.

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