
This week had me revisiting the definitions of Perspective and Perception.

Perspective: a point of view; a sense of proportion. Perception: a way of regarding, understanding or interpreting…

In this sudden change/disruption of what seemed solid…what seemed unshakeable in my own life, I have been working to view it all from multiple directions.

For the most part, we naturally see things from our own perspective, but I have been curious about every angle, for as long as I can remember. Sidenote: Curiosity wasn’t necessarily encouraged but has remained a constant companion for me, since childhood.

Despite the deep pain and sadness which, at times, has been so heavy, I have been taking time to view the good, the bad, the ugly, the shocking through lenses opposite mine.

Since the divorce process started, I’ve been doing this regarding all aspects – the years prior to marriage, the engagement months, the life and death of the marriage.

I’ve heard it said that perception is reality.

Are we open to genuinely view our perception/reality from all angles? If not, are we limiting ourselves in some way?

Many words have been thrown at me, but I carefully hold it all up to the Light and see if Truth is present.

If no Truth is present, I find healthy ways to release (so that my body isn’t holding on to the negatives). If Truth is present, I take the time to process so that I can begin applying it to my life.

Some moments/days it may be too difficult to see a different view and that is alright.

Breathe. Take your time.

Be gentle with yourself


Challenge your Perception to gain true Perspective.

A healthy perspective keeps us grounded/centered/secure.

Positive energy, Prayers and Power to you as you move forward to face all angles of Perception (yours, mine, theirs, ours!), discard the lies, process the Truth and gain Perspective.

Common Day Hero: You have consistently been a Champion for humans, but especially women. Your boldness, brilliant mind and brave heart are the cause of freedom for many. I AM committed to warring alongside (and for) you.  JuR, I dedicate this post to you.


Many situations in life are both-and (as opposed to either-or)…in my life, especially this season, there have been moments (too many to count) when I felt powerless.

I believe that I AM powerful.

Shakti is a Sanskrit word meaning power, sacred force, energy, empowerment.

I heard someone recently say that she doesn’t need external empowerment when she has empowerment from within; that resonated with me. Again, both-and…there are moments when the external/additional is valuable, but…

Always, what fuels and carries me is shakti (power/empowerment from within; the very sacred force of heaven).

I AM powerful (inserting raised fist).

I may not agree with or even want what is happening to/around me. I may not like or understand the abrupt and unwelcome changes coming my way; Truth remains: I AM powerful.

I AM powerful not because I can stop negative/hurtful things, but because I do not allow them to define me.

I AM powerful because I process each and every difficult thing so that I can move forward.

I AM powerful because it is the very essence of who I am; a part of my core.

I AM powerful because fill in your personal reminder…to carry you in and through the messy moments.

Shakti (power, sacred force, energy, empowerment) to you my fellow Warrior ~ as we war alongside one other against all negatives intent on keeping us down. Here, for and with, you…always!

Common Day Hero: Harilals, yes, the whole family…I want to express my gratitude for the practical ways you’ve stepped in to help me. In my younger years, I felt so confident and independent. Without realizing it, over time, I allowed that to be taken away…sigh. Daily I’m gaining strength, choosing courage (more than not) and so thankful for all that you continue to be: my prayer warriors, my all-things-practical group, my emergency rescue team (perceived and otherwise!) and my common sense crew when unexpected trauma blindsided me. Today, I dedicate this post to all of you.

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