
Many situations in life are both-and (as opposed to either-or)…in my life, especially this season, there have been moments (too many to count) when I felt powerless.

I believe that I AM powerful.

Shakti is a Sanskrit word meaning power, sacred force, energy, empowerment.

I heard someone recently say that she doesn’t need external empowerment when she has empowerment from within; that resonated with me. Again, both-and…there are moments when the external/additional is valuable, but…

Always, what fuels and carries me is shakti (power/empowerment from within; the very sacred force of heaven).

I AM powerful (inserting raised fist).

I may not agree with or even want what is happening to/around me. I may not like or understand the abrupt and unwelcome changes coming my way; Truth remains: I AM powerful.

I AM powerful not because I can stop negative/hurtful things, but because I do not allow them to define me.

I AM powerful because I process each and every difficult thing so that I can move forward.

I AM powerful because it is the very essence of who I am; a part of my core.

I AM powerful because fill in your personal reminder…to carry you in and through the messy moments.

Shakti (power, sacred force, energy, empowerment) to you my fellow Warrior ~ as we war alongside one other against all negatives intent on keeping us down. Here, for and with, you…always!

Common Day Hero: Harilals, yes, the whole family…I want to express my gratitude for the practical ways you’ve stepped in to help me. In my younger years, I felt so confident and independent. Without realizing it, over time, I allowed that to be taken away…sigh. Daily I’m gaining strength, choosing courage (more than not) and so thankful for all that you continue to be: my prayer warriors, my all-things-practical group, my emergency rescue team (perceived and otherwise!) and my common sense crew when unexpected trauma blindsided me. Today, I dedicate this post to all of you.

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