Being…just being

At three years of age, my parents taught me twelve verses from the Bible. My father would say the reference and I’d quote the verse, on demand! As I grew up, singing, playing piano, making (and staying on) honor roll, memorizing one to three chapters from the Bible at one sitting, among other things, were added to the “must-do” list. So, the word “doing” took on a negative connotation for me.

Through the years, it seemed that the world around me considered “doing”…constantly “doing” very important and especially if I was “doing” something that they (family, friends, religious leaders and other powers that be!) deemed worthy. To my young self, “doing” was equivalent to good/trustworthy/conscientious. Somewhere along the way, I started placing value on “doing”…so much so that I depleted myself of much needed energy for my own heart.

Without realizing it, I accepted the belief that if I were busy “doing” then all was well. I spent so much time “doing” what others said was essential/required, helpful, etc. This meant that I rarely (if ever!) considered my personal dreams and goals. Never mind that I wasn’t well rested, wasn’t getting the nourishment my body (and soul) needed, was so stressed my hair was falling out. I was “doing” and “doing” and “doing” which kept me spinning emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically.

I grew up taking on so much of what others placed on me. Imagine my arms extended out in front of me, as people walked by, they placed their opinions/”must-dos” across my forearms. At first, it didn’t seem too bad. Over time, the weight was killing me, but well into my thirties, I kept “doing” what others said God wanted me to do, what they did and supposed I should follow, what they heard/thought was proper. Some were well-intentioned, others…sigh.

I believe there’s room for counsel and input from others. I’m just asking that we consider this: when asked to do something, do we immediately say yes or do we take time to process what’s on our hearts? If we’re quick to say yes, is it because of ego, pressure from self or society (inner and outer circles)? Are we repeatedly in situations where we’re saying yes externally while screaming no internally? If so, how can we begin the transition from “doing” to being?

“Doing” has us running ’round the clock. Being has us rested, unhurried and at peace. Being gives us the joy of genuinely choosing to say yes or no. Simply being brings the freedom to choose. Then, when we choose to say yes or no, it is from a place of optimal health (mentally, spiritually, emotionally and in turn, physically). When I first took the time to be still, I initiated the process of transitioning from a place of “doing” to being.

Optimal for me, is to work from a place of rest…a place of worship…a place of tranquility. Taking time to be still and listening to the Voice within has helped me create that space of rest, worship and calm. In an interview last fall, Oprah said that her underlying faith and mantra has always been, “In Him, we live and move and have our being.” (verse 28 of chapter 17 of the Book of Acts in the Bible). When I align myself to my spiritual core, when I remember that my very breath is from the Divine, I AM free to simply be.

Operating from a place of being empowers me to know (in my heart/spirit) what’s meant for me. Once I know what’s truly for me, I can then choose what needs immediate attention, what can wait till tomorrow, next week and/or what can be erased completely.  What I erase completely are things that others have placed on me that I didn’t receive from the Divine…things that are weights, burdens, hindrances or distractions from what’s on my heart.

My heart for us all is that we choose moments throughout the day/week to be still. To center and engage our hearts, so that we can prioritize and fully enjoy being!

Common Day Hero: You are my constant. You hold me, calm me, remind me of who I AM.  You reassure me in the darkest of times with gentle whispers and continue to remind me that although the world roars, You whisper. You are inexplicably equanimous and when I choose to be still, I always feel/hear Your impression on my heart. My Divine Friend and Song, Isa/Yesú/Abba, I dedicate this post to You.

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